Pref 49 - He's A Nerd (Pt. 1)

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"Hola clase, today we are going to talk more about irregular verbs in the regular form. Study up for the first five minutes. Michael, (Y/N), may I see you in the hall?" Senora Sylvia says, both you and him stand up and walk to the hallway worriedly.

"(Y/N), you've talked to me about finding you a tutor, correct?"

"Yeah, bu-"

"Am I not good enough for you?" He asks, scoffing.

"What I was going to say, before you rudely interrupted was, that I need a tutor but before I agree to this, I need to make sure he doesn't think I know nothing. I'm not an airhead." You say, annoyed that you two are already getting along terribly.

"I know you're not an airhead in other classes." He says, trying to make it sound like a compliment.

"Some people just don't understand things as well as you."

"I know, I'm amazing."

"And you call me the airhead?"

"I can't be, I'm not sweet like candy."

"You make that obvious."

"Well, am I going to be your tutor or not?"

"No, you like to show off your smarts. I'm done." You say, basically on the edge of tears.

"I didn't mea-"

"Save it." You say, storming back into the class.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I was just teasing you because you're so sweet, and nice, and you never down talk me because I'm smart, you always smile to me in the hallways. You're one person that I can actually stand to talk to in the hallway even when I'm in a hurry. I like you, and I just don't know how to handle girls."

"I forgive you, Mr. Tutor."


Your previous class had acted up, so the teacher left you in there for half of your passing period, which made you go straight through rush hour in the hallways. You scoff and mumble cuss words under your breath as you maneuver through people. You were doing really good until you run into a strong pair of arms that instinctively holds onto you.

"Shit." You mutter under your breath, trying not to freak out too much.

"Hi, I'm Calum."

"Well, Calum, thanks for catching me. I'm (Y/N)."

"Pretty name."

"Thank you." You say, leaning down to pick up your stuff.

"Well, I really need to get to class." He says, picking up the remainder of your stuff and quickly jotting down his number in one of your spirals.

"Thanks for not calling me a bad name." He says, fidgeting with his glasses, as he walks off.

"You're smart, I'm not. So what?" You say, running down the hallway to make it to class.

You enter just before the bell and the teacher glares at you.

"I'm not late." You shrug, sitting down. All you could think about was Calum and his strong arms. He's a pretty handsome, strong looking geek.


"Okay guys. For this experiment, you will have partners that I picked out for you. If you don't like your partner, don't complain. This experiment will be fun so don't be mean to your partner and do your share of the work." The teacher says, which you have no idea why. No one will listen to her no matter what, so why bother, right?

She called of a series of names, until she got to yours, along with the school nerd, Ashton Irwin. He's a really nice kid and he's actually pretty hot if you think about it. You've always liked him, so you think this experiment will be pretty awesome.

"This experiment will be due two weeks from Friday, you have the remainder of class to talk over the project with your partner."

You get up, sit down beside Ashton, and try to make sure your face doesn't turn red.

"Hey Ashton, do you want to talk about the experiment?"

"I can do it all and put your name on it, no need to ask."

"I want to do this project together, I'm not getting an A for free. I want to get an A because we earned it."

"Wow, you're different from the others. Other people just tell me to do it for them. This is great."

"You labeled me as an other?" You ask, trying not to be hurt by it.

"I didn't mean it like that..." He says, but he doesn't look super concerned.

"We can talk more after school." You say sadly, going back to your seat, all your hopes and dreams crushed by the one who had become the center of your dreams and imagines, and even the center of your universe. It all came crashing down. You were hoping he would feel really bad, and he's just giving you space, but you don't know what to think.


You were sitting in your favorite class of the day, Calculus. You're good at it, but not great.

"Any volunteers to solve the problem on the board?"

No ones hands go up for a while, then some guy who's face you couldn't see rose their hand. He gets up and that's when you realize its Luke, the hottest nerd ever. You try to concentrate on the problem on the board, but the only problem you can think of is why he doesn't notice your existence.


"Smarty pants over here will never have a girlfriend, he's such a loner."

Everyone starts bashing him, so you did the only thing that you could think of.

"Stop bashing on my boyfriend. Smarts is better for you than sports. Sorry jocks, you can shine on the field, not in math class. What a bummer you don't get the spot light for once!" You say, and they don't say a word.

"Thanks for sticking up for me babe." He says, giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"We should actually date." He whispers in your ear. His breath tickles your ear so you lightly laugh and nod you head.

"It's a plan." You say, sitting down and smile widely to yourself.

Nothing could have been better.

I decided not to do part 2 yet on the dad one. I might on a later date.

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