Pref 41 ~ You Are Scared Of Storms

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Thunder and lightning cracks against the sky, causing you to hide into the pillow on the couch. You were watching a movie with Michael, but now you are just trying to protect yourself from the storm outside.

"What's wrong babe?"

"This is going to sound silly, but... I'm scared of storms, severely." You admit sheepishly.

He cuddles into you and kisses the top of your head.

"As long as you are in my arms, you are safe."

Thunder sounds, and you hide in Michael's chest. You hear his deep laugh sound as you whimper.

"This isn't funny, Michael Gordon Clifford." You say, not exactly angry.

"I'm sorry, you are just so cute." He says, causing you to smile.

"You look like a kitten that's scared of a dog. It's actually cuter than I thought it would be."

The place lights up with the lightning outside, and just a second later the loudest thunder you had ever heard sounded off. You clutch onto Michael so hard he yelps a bit, but after the shock of the moment, he pulls you onto his lap and cuddles you into his chest.

"I sure hope this storm ends soon. I'm tired of my girlfriend hiding her beautiful face from me." He admits out to the open.

"I love you." You say, smiling up at him.

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"I love you moster."

"I love you mostest."

" I love you mostester." He says, both of you sounding like little children trying to win. Finally, you give up and let him cheer.

"I wanna go to sleep." You admit tiredly, as Michael carries you to your bed.

"Michael, will you stay with me?"

"Yeah, sure babe." He says, getting in bed and cuddling with you till you both fall asleep.


You've always been a light sleeper, and as soon as the tornado sirens started sounding off, you run off to the basement. A few minutes later, Calum comes down holding a bag that looks to be plum full.

"You ran down quick. You know the sirens start when tornadoes aren't even close right?"

"Yeah... I'm just terribly afraid of storms. Even the slight ones with no harm. I'm pathetic really." You admit, looking at the floor.

"Look, you aren't pathetic babe." He says, hugging you.

"I mean, I am scared of all clowns." He admits, causing you to laugh a bit.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up." You say, smiling appreciatively to your amazing two year boyfriend. He's just the best.

The sirens turn off, and you stand up.

"Do you think it'll be clear the rest of the night?" You ask him worriedly.

"How about we have a camp out in here on the air up mattress?" He says, trying to keep you from being worried all night.

"That's so sweet." You say, kissing his cheek. He just nods and starts airing it up.

"I love you." He says when the bed is all set up.

"I love you too." You say, laying down. Feeling his arms snake around you, you relax to his touch and fall into a somewhat peaceful sleep.


"You're under a hurricane watch tonight."

"R..Really?" You ask, worried.

"It's just a watch. It's not likely." He says, trying to comfort you.

"I know you are afraid of storms, but this hurricane most likely won't even be traveling on yur path."

"I know, I just... You know how I am."

"Yes. Yes I do, and I choose to put up with it." He says jokingly. He's been your childhood friend and has always been there when storms were around. Now, it will be the first time that he won't be there to reassure you in person.

"I wish I didn't have to be on tour right now. I love you so much and you mean so much to me. I don't want you to be scared." He admits to you.

You can see the bags under his eyes and you feel bad.

"Wait, Ash, what time is it for you?"

"Like 2 am why?"

"You look really tired. Have you been staying up this late every night?"

"I can't sleep much when I'm not around you anyways." He says, smiling to you.

"This tour has been hard, but I love you and you need your sleep. I won't be scared, in honor of you. I'll talk to you in your morning time Ashy." You say and hang up. You can't stand seeing him this tired because of you. You can survive this storm without him, you're confident.


"I don't want to sound selfis-"

"Don't even start with me." You say, cutting Luke off. He's been complaining for the past half hour for having to leave the party early because of storms. He knows how you are, and he should be used to it by now.

"Storms scare me and you know it! Don't be rude about it." You say, sitting with a Build-A-Bear Luke bought you for Christmas.

"I'm not being rude. Let me cuddle you, love." He says, getting up to go to your couch. He rips the bear out of your hand, places you on his lap, and cuddles into you. His warm embrace makes you feel better about the storms outside.

"Do you w-" Luke tries to mutter out, but stops when the electricity goes out.

"What were you going to say?" You ask the boy.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to watch a movie... Never mind though."

"Stupid power outage. You probably would have finally let me watch a chick flick."

"I might have, but too late." He says, rubbing your arm soothingly.

Silence encompasses you guys. You are about to fall asleep when Luke says something.


"Yes Luke?" You ask politely.

"Do you know what could tune out the storms?"


"You moaning my name..." He says, causing your face to go red. Luckily, the power is out.

"Shut up Luke." You say, cuddling into his chest and trying to let the head leave your cheeks.

"Sing to me Luke."

He starts to sing a slow song, lulling you and him both into a deep sleep.

hope you enjoyed xx

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