Pref 6: You Hide Being Pregnant From Him And He Finds Out

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Three weeks ago you found out you were pregnant, but couldnt tell Michael because he was on tour and you werent quite sure how to break it to him so here you are cuddling into him, trying to decide how to tell him that he will soon be a father...

"Babe?" He asks, snapping you out of your daze.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"Dont let the thinking get to you. I need to go pee, can you get off of me?"

"Sorry Mikey." You say, sitting up so he can go to the bathroom.

"Babe, what the heck are these?" Michael comes out, holding positive pregnancy tests from 3 weeks ago.

"I wanted to tell you in person, and since you got home yesterday I've been trying to figure out how to tell you..."

"We are going to have a baby!" He exclaims, doing some sort of happy dance, and you just laugh.

"I thought youd be mad thats why I procrastinated on telling you..."

"Why would I be mad that we have are going to have a baby who looks like us! This is huge. I have to tell the boys!" He says, pulling out his phone to call them. They are all hanging at Luke's house except Mikey, because he wanted to hang with you.

"Luke, put me on speaker phone, I have to tell all of you guys something!"

"You are on speaker phone."

"Say it with me babe... 3.... 2... 1.."

"We are going to have a baby!!!" You yell at the same time, and you hear yellings of congrats across the phone, as they say they have to go, but not 5 minutes later they arrive at your house to ask about the details.

"How did I get to be so lucky?" You ask the guys and none of them have a response, but you didnt expect one either.


You are looking at the pregnancy test and suprised to see that this one marks positive, just like the other four you tried.

Calum already told you yesterday that he isnt ready for a baby and doesnt want it to ruin his dreams.

You will just have to act like nothing happened or break up with him...

You know you are terrible at lying, so you just decide you have to break up with him. It is the best way.

"Cal?" You say walking into the room, tears already threatening to spill.

"What's wrong babe?"

"I...I think I need a break, from this." You say motioning to you two, and tears are now flowing down your face.

"Babe. Please dont. I'm alright with a baby."

"How'd you know?"

"(Y/N) I do the finances. I saw the pregnancy tests bought along with chocolates and watermelon."

"Curse finances." You murmur, and he laughs, wiping the tears from your eyes, then hugs you.

"I wont be here for him or her as much as I'd like to, but I will try to be with him or her every chance I get."

"Thanks Cal. I love you."

"I love you too babe. Now we have to tell the boys... Hi ho. Hi ho. Off to practice we go!"


You get out, and you and Cal walk hand in hand to Luke's door as Liz answers it, along with the other boy's mom's, including Cal's.

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