Pref 7: Frozen

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"Babe?" Michael yells from the living room as you come running in to see whats wrong, worried he is mad.

"What is it Michael?"

"You havent watched Frozen with me yet."

"I thought you said it was a stupid snowman movie?"

"I still want to watch it with you since you liked it so much... And you claim it isnt all the previews made it out to be."

"Okay then. Lets watch it! Its in the movie cabinet!" I say, excited he finally changed his mind.

 He pulls the blu ray disc out of the cabinet and puts it in our blu ray disc player.


"Awe, the boy and his reindeer are so cute!"

"I know..."


"No, is Ana dead?"





"She cant marry Hahns!"

"Oh my gosh. You are so inexperienced."

"She isnt going to is she? She just met him!"


"Her and Christoff are meant to be! She needs to call off the engagement!"



"Olaf is so funny! He just needs a nose!"

 "Oh, he has a nose now!"

 "Okay babe. Enough with the tutorials."

"Sven and Sven, how funny!"

"Okay. Shh."


"She is in love with Christoff, not Hahns! Christoff dont take her to Hahns, just kiss her!"


"I knew Hahns was bad!"


"Christoff run! Ana, what are you doing?... Awe. She saved Elsa. Is she frozen forever? Please dont be dead!"


"An act of true love! Elsa, unfreeze everything!"


"Awe. Olaf has a flurry!"


"Bye bye Hahns!"


"This movie is so good. Let's watch it again!" He exclaims, with tears still in both of your eyes.

"I didnt know youd like it so much. You even cried."

"So did you and youve watched it before!"

 "Because I am a girl."

"And I am emotional."

"Or feminine..."

"That's bizarre. I just have feelings."

"Whatever punk rock, pink haired dude." You say and walk off, smirking to yourself as you hear him walk behind you.

He picks you up off your feet and takes you back to the living room.

"I told you were are watching it again, so let's watch it again babe." He says, sitting you on his lap and pushing play again.

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