Pref 9: How You Two Meet

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You just had to get the new COD before it sold out, so you ran to Game Stop right before opening and wait in some sort of line, just being patient as possible, while jumping up and down on the inside.

"Hello? Excuse me, I am not from America, can you tell me when this store opens?" You hear an Australian voice from behind you, and it seems vaguely familar.

"Yeah, umm... 10 more minu- Oh my gosh." You try to tell him but get cut off from shock when you realize that a very familar green haired guy is standing behind you.

"Thanks babe. Are you in line for COD?"

"Of course." You say, twirling your, now streaked hair, you had just recently got a purple streak in your hair.

When the store finally opens, everyone files in and grabs a copy and then goes to check out, but you being 5 foot nothing, you get pushed to the back, and when you see Michael come out, you see that he is holding two copies.

"Here you go, my pretty lady."

"Thanks." I say taking it and ready to pay for it, with Michael standing in front of you.

"Is this all for you today?" Asks the emoloyee and Michael turns around and snatches it from your hand.

"Both of these."

"I could have p-"

"Its my pleasure to pay for a beautiful girl's COD."

You blush, leaving the store, and notice that he had wrote his number on the sack. That sneaky boy...

You were up all night, texting Michael and playing video games. The best day ever, dont you agree?


Your mom told you that you needed to go pick up some eggs and milk before the store closes, so you have an hour to get the items before the store closes at midnight.

Rushing to your car, you drive off, trying to hurry so you can get some decent sleep tonight.

You run into the store and quickly grab the milk, but the eggs are only on the highest shelf, that your petite 5 foot 2 figure cant reach.

Suddenly, you feel strong arms lifting you up and you grab the milk before the arms put you down. He spins you around and you come face to face with the one and only Calum Hood.

"Thanks Calum."

You say and he nods, but doesnt walk off.

"I am such a big fan, can you sign something?"

"Sure, what do you want, your forehead, your boobs?"

"Uhm, how about my hand or my tshirt?" You say, pointing to your white Nirvana tshirt that is to die for.

"I was just kidding, I am not like that i swear."

"I know Cal, calm down Cal Pal."

"I'm tight and I'm bright."

"Not in your brain you arent."



"At least I'm not the 20 year old that thinks tadpoles are baby turtles.." He says jokingly, pulling out a sharpie and signing the tee.

"Stay right here, i will be right back." He says and runs to the end of the aisle and yells for his bandmates, as they come running up to you.

"Guys, this is my new friend..."

"(Y/N). Nice to meet you guys."

They say hi and sign your shirt.

"Bye guys." You say, walking to the registers and then after checking out, looking down at your shirt you notice Calum put his number on there and then scribbled it out, but you could still read it.


You work at your Starbucks in your city, and quite enjoy it. You love being friendly to people and helping them get coffee puts everyone in a good mood.

"Good morning, what would you like?" You say to four hooded guys.

"3 chocolate chip frappes and one chai tea." Says the one in front with a cute Australian accent you knew far too well.

You put the names on their cups and you fix their frappes and chai tea before handing them it after they paid. They notice that you already knew their names.

"So does your shift end anytime soon?"

"No, but it isnt that busy so I could take a small break."

I follow them to a table as we make small talk.

Ashton looks at his cup and realizes that i put a phone number on his cup and no one elses.

"Definitely gonna be texting this number tonight..." He says and winks, as you get called to come help with rush hour.

The rest of the day you were in an even better mood than usual, constantly texting your celebrity crush.


Your boyfriend had just broken up with you because you werent ready for 3rd base yet, so he dumped you and went out with the slut.

Walking into Starbucks, trying not to dwell on the fact that people can probably see your mascara running down your eyes, you go up and finally decided to order.

"Can I have a white chocolate mocha please?"

"Coming right up," The nice girl about your age said, and soon your name was called so you get up to get it and see that it says "Go sit with the cute guy in the corner... He's been watching you, non creepily of course."

You turn around and see no other than Luke freaking Hemmings smiling at you with that smile that melts your heart.

"Some people are worth melting for." Dang right Olaf, dang right.

Just then someone runs into you, spilling your mocha all over you.

"Okay, maybe not right this second." Olaf quote again, but heck yes Olaf, you need to preach it Mr. Snowman Dude.

"I'm so sorry." You hear and you let a tear fall, because your ex just ran into you.

"Get away from me!" You scream and run out of Starbucks.

You see the bright summer sun shining through the clouds.

"Winter's a great time to stay in and cuddle, but put me in summer and I'll be a... Happy Snowman!" For once Olaf, you are wrong... I'm not a happy snowman, or whatever you wanna call it.

Tears unwillingly fall down your face, and you just try to find a place to sit and end up sitting on a flower pot, but yolo right?

You throw your now empty cup onto the road and watch it get ran over and smushed, just like your dreams of having a cute relationship, because you are never going to date anyone ever again.

"Hey, I have something I need to give you." You look up to see the cute boys hand you a new white chocolate mocha.

"I was guessing that was your ex, so I thought Id try to help you through it Heartbreak Girl."

"I'd rather be your English Love Affair." You say, as he smirks, and kisses you with fireworks exploding inside of your body.

WhY aRe LuKeS sO dAnG sExUaL?/?/?

i lava you guys lots! Thanks for 170+ reads!

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