Pref 47 ~ Brother's Best Friend (Pt. 3)

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It was like a fantasy. Michael was a boy that you really like and he likes you back. You couldn't quite process that. It was a dream come true, if you will. He was like no other guy you've met. That initial attraction had you wondering if it was just physical, but as you've gotten to know him, he's more than that.

With him sitting across from you, its a miracle he hasn't given up on you yet.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks.

"Nothing. I just don't see why you like me and why you haven't left yet."

"I like you because you are beautiful, and sweet, and kind, and just perfect for me. There is no one else I would rather to be in this situation with than you." He says, and you can tell that made your face light up like a Christmas tree. It was perfect. He's perfect.

"So we've been here two hours just talking. Maybe I should take you home now." He says, smiling.

"No, I don't want to leave you yet."

"Fine, lets go get some ice cream." He says, and you stand up to join him on the way to his car.

Best. Date. Ever.


When Calum gets to the restaurant you were supposed to be going to, you instantly feel bad.

"We don't have to go here. I mean, it's a fancy place. I don't think we have to do this. I don't want to waste your money when we could eat pizza on your couch and watch television or something."

"That can be a second date, plus I already have the reservation and it's paid in advance, so you can't get out of it." He says, smiling sheepishly.

"Wow, you sneaky sneak." You say, kissing his cheek and leading the way.

"I'm the man, I should lead the way." He says, kindly opening the door for you. You roll your eyes, and walk through the door. You wait for him and once he is inside, he tells the waiter and he seats you down in your reserved spot.

"This place is beautiful."

"I know."

"You didn't have to do this though, I hope you know that."

"I know, I wanted to."

"You are absolutely amazing. I couldn't ask for a better date."

"Neither could I."

With that, you guys look at the menus, and you can't just order anything. This place is expensive.

"What are you getting?" You ask Calum, curious to see how much he is spending on himself.

"I was thinking about tortellini alfredo."

"Oh that sounds good. I still don't know what I want."

"Maybe just simple spaghetti or something?" He asks, and you nod your head.

You guys ordered your pastas and kept talking the night away.


"I can't believe I am taking you on a date." Ashton says, with the widest smile on his face.

"Did you like me or something?"

"Yeah, but I never voiced it before now because your brother scares me, but he pissed me off so much I just had to stick up for you. You don't deserve it. I know he loves you."

"I know he loves me too." You say, sipping your coffee at the closest coffee shop to your school.

"He means well. He just doesn't understand that you won't embarrass him. Maybe he will now since we are a thing."

"Maybe. Did you and him make up?"

"Eh, not yet, but we will eventually, I just know it. We are best friends after all." He half laughs. The pain in his eyes says otherwise.

"Ashton, he was being a dick. I have never seen him act like that. I think he was just worried that he'd lose you so he was on defense mode. But you don't have to forgive him."

"I will, I know I will. I know he didn't mean it." Ashton says, reassuring you that he is okay.

You guys started talking about your ambitions, dreams, lives, future, past. That's when you look at the clock and see that you two need to leave now.

"Ashton, we have 2 minutes." You laugh out.

"Race?" He asks, and you nod.

Both of you run out of the coffee shop, to the school grounds and share a kiss before running to your lockers when the tardy bell rings.

That'll take some explaining.


"I'm going on a date with the Luke Hemmings. How the hell does that happen?" You say to yourself in your room.

"I don't know. You must be one lucky girl." Luke says from behind the door. It scares you and you jump in shock, but once you realize its Luke you laugh to yourself.

"Shush, you scared the crap out of me." You say, putting your finishing touches on your make up.

"Sorry love." He says, and you blush.

Finally, you open the door to see the Luke Hemmings wearing black skinny jeans with a nice button up shirt.

"Wow, you look so hot." Luke says, biting his lip.

"Don't do that." You say, trying not to go into complete hysterics.

"Don't do what?" He asks, laughing.

"The lip bite. It's rude to my heart. You're gonna make it explode."

"I'm sorry." He says laughing at leading me to his car.

We arrive at a dine in pizza place and I know Luke is the one for me. He goes around the car and opens the door for me and leads me in to the restaurant.

"What's your favorite kind of pizza?"


"No way, me too."

Looking around at the place, it looks like every other pizza place, except Luke Hemmings is in this one. It's insane.

"I want a slice of that." You mutter and he laughs.


"I heard what you said."

"I was being serious." You laugh out.

"Wow, you are so adorable."

"Wow, you took me to a pizza place and it's perfect. I think I like you already." You say, smiling widely.

You two just chat the night away and close the place down, but neither of you mind.

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