Pref 29 - You Are His Spanish Tutor

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You and him never had talked in your life. He was the senior school bad boy. You are the innocent junior that is actually a nerd at school work.

You have taken up to Spanish 2 and you are working on Spanish 3 for a bit of extra credit. Also, you signed up to be a tutor for the Spanish 1 kids.

When you were told you are tutoring a senior that needs to pass Spanish 1 and 2 in one year, you slightly freaked out. You were hoping for a freshman that can go at the normal class tempo... Looks like the world isnt on your side right now.

"Come on, lets get this over with." You tell Michael, right in front of his friends, you honestly not caring.

"Can't you see I'm talking?"

"Can't you see I'm not going to deal with your shit?" You reply and his friends look at him like he has finally met his match.

He walks away from his friends and you guys head toward the library.

"Hola Michael. Yo soy (Y/N)."

"You said hi Michael. I am (Y/N), right?"

"Yeah, now you try."

"Hola, yo soy Michael."

You smile and nod.

"Do you know your ser verbs?"

"Yeah. Soy, eres, es, somos, son."


"Tengo... Tienes... Tiene... something... And Tienen."


"Yeah, thats right." He says and you nod.

You guys sit there studying and he looks up.

"How do I say 'I like you' in spanish?" He asks.


"I wanted it to be romantic and shit but i dont fucking know spanish, so you want to go on a date sometime?" He asks.

You slightly laugh and nod your head, glad you two are going to go on a date sometime.

Calum -

"Babe, I dont understand spanish at all. Why can't everyone speak the same language?" He says, complaining.

"Are you still studying for the test?" You ask and he nods.

"What is it over?"

"The -ar verbs."

"Those are easy." You say and he shakes his head.

"For yo, it ends in o. For tu, it ends in as. For ud el or ella its a. For nosotros, its amos. For uds ellos or ellas it ends in an. Its simple. Facil!"

"Shut up babe. I cant remember them."

"Then chant them a few times. o as a amos an."


"Because you are having trouble with year one spanish..." You say, rolling your eyes at him.

"It isnt my fault you are in year 4 babe."

"And it isnt my fault you are in year 1 and think its hard."

He sticks his tongue at you and you just return the favor and before you know it you two are making out on the bed completely forgeting about Spanish for a while.


Basically, your friend encouraged you to sign up for tutoring under classmen. What you didnt know, was that when they said "under classmen" that they could also be in your grade...

Ashton Irwin, incredibly adorable, but was taken by the lead bitch, Veronica. Hint, I said 'was' but she is still claiming her territory. She hates any girls being around him at all.

When you got stuck tutoring him and couldnt get out of it,you were beyond furious.

Why can't life ever be simple? Why do people have to ruin it?

You have to use your free period, to tutor Mr. Irwin on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which isnt too bad.

Today was the first day you were supposed to be tutoring him. He showed up five minutes late.

"Why were you late?" You ask, and he puts a smug smile on his face.


He tries to put his arm around your waist, but you slap him.

"Listen here, Irwin. I dont want to be here tutoring you. I asked if I could switch but I couldnt so Im stuck with you, so you better sit your ass down and learn something today or else I will personally duct tape you till this chair until you cooperate. You got it Irwin?"

He looked confused and also amused.

"I didnt know you cussed."

You scoff and he just laughs, surrendering and sitting down.

"Do you have any bad spots?"

He nods his head and starts pointing at every page in the chapter we were in.

"What do you want to start with?"


"Start counting then." I say, so he starts counting.

"Whats after diecinueve?" He asks me, and i lay my head on the desk. This will take a while.


By the end of the lesson, he counts to 50 and you high five him.

"Can we chill after school tomorrow at my place?" He asks you casually.

"As long as your bitchy ex girlfriend is nowhere in sight," And he nods and  hands you his number before going to his next class.


You are just a quiet shy girl.

"You will be partnered up with a person from Spanish 1 to tutor for you practice quiz. I want to see how well you can teach. They haven't learned the ser and tener yet. I want to see how well you can teacher them what it means and the words in order. Oh and they have to be able to interpret which ones fit into a sentence." Senora Sweety says, and it seems fairly easy to you. Teaching Spanish 1 kids how to do verbs shouldnt be that hard right?

"(Y/N), you get Luke. Dont be intimidated by him." She says before telling the next person their student.

After class ends, she says she has dismissed us from our 4th hour, which is my Biology 1. It wouldnt be hard to make up the grade... She'll probably just put in an A for me, thats how much she likes me.

All the Spanish 2 kids wait outside for Senora Sweety to let us with our students.

She points to all of their kids saying their name and who the tutor is for them.

"That one is Luke Hemmings. (Y/N) you are tutoring him."

You walk over there and sit in the desk corresponding to his that you are supposed to sit at.

"Hello Luke. I'm (Y/N)." You say politely,

"Hi, call me 'Rebel'"

"Umm. No. I will just call you 'Dick'" I say, and he cracks a smile, already lightening up to me.

I try to teach Luke the verbs, but he looks beyond confused.

"I'm sorry. I just cant focus."

"Why not?"

"There is a really pretty girl in front of me distracting me." You uncontrollably blush and somehow get him  to concentrate.

Heyyy i hope you liked this one.

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