Pref 40 - Best Friend's Brother (Pt. 3)

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A knock on the door signals that Michael is here and ready to take you on your date. He had told you not to dress up, but you still wanted to look nice. Adding more make up than usual, you felt like you looked decent enough.

You open the door to be face to face with none other than Michael, your date.

"You look beautiful." He says, just standing there in the doorway.

"And you look quite handsome Mr. College Guy." You say, trying not to make this too awkward, but it ended up in a short silence.

"Are you ready for our date?"

"Yeah. How's my best friend doing?" You ask him.

"She's fine with this whole thing by the way. She likes that we get along. She warned me if I ever hurt you that she'll disown me. I wouldn't like that to happen." He admits, looking slightly frightened for himself.

We walk to his car and he opens the door for you, before getting in his side and driving to the restaurant.

When you guys arrive, he escorts you in where you guys sit down. The wait wasn't too terrible and you guys had a blast with each other. It was the perfect night.

"So what do you think of being my girlfriend?" He asks you while driving back to your place.

"That sounds amazing. Only if I get a kiss though." You say. He parks in your driveway then kisses you with immense passion. That night couldnt have been more perfect.


You never thought that you would date a guy younger than you , but you also never counted on liking your best friend's brother. Here you are though, dancing with Calum. The more you dance with him, fast or slow, the more you fall for him. He makes you have butterflies in your stomach.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks you out of the blue while you guys are dancing.

"You." You answer sheepily. He doesn't need to know what you are thinking about him, but you figure he'll ask.

"I was thinking about you too by the way." He says, looking at the floor shyly.

"I'm going to do something. Okay?" You say to him, and he just nods his head. He closes his eyes and you lean in and kiss him. At first he doesn't realize what's happening, but once he does he kisses back filling your heart with love for this boy.

"That was amazing." He admits, looking at you. You two just continue to dance the night away, and after the party was over nobody could seperate you two. His heart is now yours and your hand is securely intertwined in his.

"Stay the night?" Your best friend asks you, simply so you don't have to leave Calum. You agree to it, making the Hood's jump for joy.

Calum is so sweet and you are so kind. You two are a match made in heaven.


Hating someone and disliking someone is totally different subjects. You were sure you hated Ashton just a few days ago, but here you are getting ready for a date with a guy you used to not be able to stand. You aren't sure if it was him showing he cared for you or actually proving he has a heart that got you, but one of those things, if not both, made you fall head over heels for you enemy.

Your best friend was more exstatic than you were when you told her that you are going on a date with him. I guess she got tired of you two constantly fighting, but looking back now it was basically flirting and you just never noticed it.

The door bell rings and you run down the stairs, making sure that your dress doesn't catch on anything. As soon as you open the door, you are shocked at how well Ashton cleans up. He looks amazing and perfect. Your heart nearly stops and all breath is knocked out of you.

"You look perfect." You breath out, then cover your mouth. It was really embarassing to say something like that, but he just laughed it off and didnt mind. He honestly thought that it was cute of you to be that way with him. It showed you really cared.

"So do you darling." He says, taking your arm and walking you off to the car where he opens the door for you and then goes to his side.

He drives a reasonable pace and in the speed limit, which really surprised you. Ashton didnt strike you to be the type that cares about the laws and certain boundaries, but it was cute.

Once you two got to the restaurant you guys were inseperable and out of control. It was cute and insane all at the same time.


"Thank you for agreeing to this. Here is my boyfriend, Mark." Your best friend tells you, motioning to the tall jock beside her.

"Well thank you for letting my date be your handsome brother." I say, catching Luke's attention causing him to smirk.

Once you guys take your seats, you order what you like and what's cheep so that whoever pays won't have any problems.

Your best friend and her boyfriend got off to talking amongst themselves so you had to make an immediate decision whether yo would end up with him or alone.

"So Luke, how've you been?"

"I've been good, you?"

"I'm great now." You admit, smiling to him. Before you know it, his lips meet yours and let's just say sparks fly and butterflies erupt into your stomach. The kiss doesn't get very far before the waitress is back with food and suggestions about no PDA. Obviously after your meal, you guys forget.

Let's just say, you won't forget the night you get kicked out of a restaurant because of too much PDA with your best friend's brother.

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