Pref 5: He Teaches You How To Kiss

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You have never kissed anyone before and Michael is getting to the point where he is tired of waiting. He doesnt know that you dont want to mess up your first kiss by not knowing how to kiss. You dont think he would understand, so you just havent told him yet.

You think you are ready to tell him so you go to his house. You ring the door bell and Cal answers. You knew you should have called first!

"Hi. I need to talk to Mikey." You saw, shaking, and Cal notices.

"Just let me go get him..." Cal runs to the living room and comes back with an angry Michael.

"What do you want?" He asks rudely, and you almost go to tears.

"No, its fine. It can wait I guess, just go play video games I shouldnt have bothered you." You say walking off, but both Calum and Michael grab you.

"He is just in a bad mood." Cal says and Mikey shrugs his shoulders.

"I will leave the door unlocked so you guys can get back in."

We mutter thanks as he shuts the door.

"What do you need babe?"



"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I've never kissed anyone before and I dont want our first kiss to be like really bad because I have no experience..." You mumble, looking at your feet, not wanting to see eye to eye with Michael.

"Babe, look at me." He says, placing is hand on my chin and brings my eyes to look at his. "You wont screw it up, because you just have to follow my lead. If you are ready of course..."

"I'm ready." You say, smiling, wide and wonderfully.

Soon is lips meet mine and I try to follow his lead, but your instincts take over and soon you are leading instead of following.

"Wow babe, maybe you need to teach me." He says winking and you blush.

"Shoot." You hear someone exclaim from inside the house.

"You've got to be quiet Luke! Now they know we are spying!"

"Its not my fault I hit my leg that!"

"Stop growing then bro!" Ashton yells causing you and Mikey to laugh.

"Looks like the boys would be terrible spys." You say and the boys all open the door and yell that they would be perfect at it as you and Mikey just laugh and laugh and laugh. Those boys dont even understand.

"Well, I gotta get going home. I had a fun lesson, Mikey." You say winking, running back to your car, smiling the whole way home


Calum tries to kiss you on the lips and you turn your head, so his lips plant on your cheek.

"Why cant I kiss you babe?"

You just ignore him, not wanting to tell him that you have never kissed anyone before. It would be embarassing, especially since he has kissed so many girls and you not have even considered kissing a guy before...

"Babe whats wrong?"

Tears welt in your eyes and you try to keep them from falling but they do anyways.

He thumbs the tears off of your face and you thank him.

"Will you please tell me whats wrong baby?"

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