Pref 3: He Is Dating Your Sister And You Like Him (Pt. 1)

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"(Y/N) get down here!"

"No!" you yell, not wanting to have dinner with your sister's boyfriend, Michael.

You have had a crush on him since he showed up at your door, announcing he is your new next door neighbor. You were the one who had opened the door, but your sister was the one who stole his heart.

Honestly, your sister is the same age as him, but you are only a year younger. It isnt like it is a huge gap between you and him...

"Get your lazy butt down here before I go up there a-"

"I'm coming, and I am not lazy, mother." you say, angered that she hasnt realized yet that the boy stole your heart and is breaking it right now, just holding your sister's hand.

"Hey (Y/S/N), guess who finally showed up!" Your dad says, and you scowl as you take your seat in front of the couple.

Your parents pass around the food and as it gets to you, your dog Max jumps up on the table and knocks the mashed potatoes right out of your hand and onto the floor, him licking up the remains.

Everyone laughs, carelessly, as you blush bright red.

After the laughter dies down, your dad starts a conversation with Michael.

"Will you take good care of our daughter?"

"Of course I will." He says, and kisses her cheek.

You just pick at your food.

"Eat, (Y/N)" your mom commands.

"I dont have an appetite." You mutter.

"Why not?" Michael asks you.

You have had enough.

"Because none of you guys understand or would care!" You scream, as you run up the stairs, to lock yourself in your room until the boy from your dreams leaves.


The door bell rings and your sister tells you to open the door and let him in until she is ready.

You run down the stairs to open the door and come face to face with your child hood friend, Calum.

He had moved away two years ago, and you guessed he had come back.


I nod my head, not having to ask if it was him.

You had a crush on him for a while before he left and the feelings never left.

"Come on in while you wait for my sister to get done preping."

I lead him to the living room and we catch up.

You feel a pang of jealously when he gets up to compliment your sister, wishing it was you instead.

"Well, we better get going." Calum says to you, and you nod.

"Nice seeing you again."

"Wait, you two know each other?" your sister asks questioningly, and you both know.

"He was my childhood friend."

"Oh, he is the guy you talked about non stop about liking him and all that? And the one who moved away and left you heartbroken?"

"Yeah.. Thats the one..." You say, tears threatening to spill.

"Thats funny!" Calum says laughing, and you run to the bathroom to escape the laughter.

You question why this is happening to you as you hear them following you.

"Leave me alone!"


"We have a guest you need to meet." Your parents tell you, and you dont think anything of it, following them down stairs.

You come face to face with the most popular jock in your school, holding your sister's hand.

"Hi Ashton." You say, looking down shyly at your feet, avoiding his gaze.

Your twin sister smiles and looks at Ashton with complete adoration.

You have had a crush on him since elementary, you even told her that. You sort of knew that your cheer leader sister would do this to you though. You are just an invisible geek and she is the head cheer leader of the cheer squad, what else did you expect?

"Well, I gotta get back to my homework..." You say, going back to your room.

"I thought all three of us could hang." Ashton says, and you sadly shake your head no.

"That isnt possible." You say, closing your door in Ashton's face.

"Just let her be. She's had this stupid crush on you since elementary. We can go just the two of us." She says sickeningly sweet and you just want to punch her in the face.

"Awe. Is that why you wont go? I dont want to leave you on your own. You need to enjoy life while you are young."

"No thank you. Just let me be. You wont like me if you get to know me, so why even try?"

"Im not leaving until you are coming with us."

You unwillingly open the door.

"I have to change first."

"You look fine." He says, pointing to your ATL shirt and ripped skinny jeans, accompanied with vans.

You follow them, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.


"(Y/N), I have something to tell you." Your sister says, and you fear why she is talking to you. She wont be seen in public with you and wont even talk to you in your own home.

"I'm going on a date with Luke and I need your h-"

"What?" You blow up in her face. Utterly repulsed that she is dating your crush for the longest time.

"You have to realize he will never l-"

"You arent even acting like a sister right now, but just wear one of my band tees and skinny jeans, wear your red vans and wear just mascara, nothing else and wear a beanie. I will be in my room." You say, going to your room and texting mom that you wont be eating dinner tonight.

"Thanks sis. I owe you a one."

"You owe we more than one." You say, and you hear her sigh.

"I will make it up to you." She says before walking off to get ready.

The doorbell rings and mom still isnt home and neither is dad.

"Will you answer it please? I'm still trying to find my red vans!"

"You owe me the world." You mutter, running to answer the door.

"My sister is still getting ready." You say when you open the door.

"Oh. I like your shirt." He says, and you look down to see your new Nirvana crop top encompassing your body.

"Oh thanks, I like yours too." You say, gesturing to his Green Day shirt.


"Hey Luke!" You hear from the stair case and get out of the way, so your sister can chat with her date.

He looks at her outfit and looks impressed.

"Let's go babe." He says, and when he says babe your heart is pierced with a sword and twisted down into your stomach.

"You two have fun." You say sadly, heading back to your room as they thank you and leave for their date.

"Why me?" You mutter under your breath and slam your door.


Hope you enjoyed! (: xx There will be a pt 2 

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