Pref 31: You Hate Him and Get Locked In A Room With Him

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Michael -

Michael Clifford, the boy you absolutely can not stand. He just wont let up on his tough guy act. He could have stolen your heart, but he has to be an ass. He isn't 'punk rock'. All he has is pink hair and a love for music. He's a big softy. I heard he cried watching some movies, I mean normally that would be cute, but seriously? He isnt bad ass. Stop covering up the truth, and I'll be a tad bit happier.

But dont worry, the feeling are mutual, he thinks I'm a stuck up prissy brat. Not like I care though.

"(Y/N), can you do me a favor?" Luke asks.

"What is it?"

"Go into my room and grab my shirt on the floor, the Nirvana one."


You walk up there and see Calum talking to Michael. You just push your way through them to the room but Calum pushes Michael in there with you and you hear the door lock.

"Shit," You mumble under your breath.

"Chill. They'll let us out sometime so you can go fuck someone." Michael says and you want to scream, but you just go and lay down on the bed ignoring him.

When you lay down, he looks puzzeledly at you, but you continue to ignore him and shut your eyes, but you then feel lips pressed against yours. You want to kiss back but you make yourself not.

"I hate you." He says, trying to remind himself more than you.

The chance that he might have liked you goes down the drain, and all your hope frazzled. You try to hold in your tears.

"Its okay, because I hate you too. I hate your personality. I hate your act. I hate your perfect dyed hair. I hate your beautiful eyes. I hate your fucking plump lips. I hate how you make me want to scream. I hate how you make me hate you. But most of all, I hate myself for loving you." You say, crying, on the floor.

Immediately, the other boys open the door and comfort you.

He just stands there not knowing what to do.

"Leave please." Ashton says to him, and I half want to tell him not to leave.

He does so, and I look at him. Before he leaves he says one last thing..

"I love you too."

Calum -

Calum. Hood. He makes you sick. You want to drink bleach every time you see him. You used to like him, but he started ignoring you, and you hit rock bottom with him. You refused to even try anymore. You tell Ashton all the time how you hate him, and he just looks at you pitiful. He knows you used to be practically in love with him. He's your best friend, so of course he worries for you. Him and Calum share a flat, so he usually comes to your place.

Ashton tells you that Calum is at a friends house so you come over to watch movies with him, but then he wants to take you upstairs... Something about redecorating or something like that anyways.

When you go upstairs, he pushes you into Calum's room where Calum is in fact on his bed on his phone.

"You arent getting out till you two fall in love." Ashton says, and immediately following is the sound of Ashton piling stuff in front of the door. You are weak so there is no chance you are going up against Ashton's strength.

For a while you two are quite and then Calum sighs.

"Hi (Y/N)"

"Hello." You say coldly.

"What happened between us?" He asks, and I simply shrug my shoulders.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was trying to sort out my life."

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