Never Gonna Be Alone (1)

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Cassie's POV

"You're beautiful, Cassie." My best friend, Chad, says as I am getting ready for my wedding day.

To one of his best friends.

"Thanks, Chad." I whisper as my older sister braids my hair and he looks me in the eyes with tears pooling.

"I only wish it was me that you were marrying today." He tells me softly as he gives me a gentle kiss. As he leaves the reason why I am marrying Daniel comes back into my mind.

2 months ago

"Dad, I don't even know if I am pregnant. My period is just late this month." I try to tell my father, who scoffs.

"Just marry him, Cassandra! It's not like it's the end of the fucking world if you do! Besides, he is a much better choice than that rambunctious jackass of a best friend you got." My father says and I nod, knowing that if I am going to have Daniel's baby, he needs to be in its life.


I got my period three days later, but my dad basically forced me to keep the wedding on, as he hate Chad.

After I walk down the aisle to Daniel, the preacher starts the ceremony.

"Do you, Daniel Adair, take Cassandra James, to be your lawfully wedded wife in the eyes of British Columbia and all of Canada?" He asks and Daniel smiles at me.

"I do, till the day I die." He says and I glance out into the audience, seeing Chad in tears and a smug look on my father and stepmother's faces.

"And do you, Cassandra James, take-" the pastor begins but I let go of Daniel's hands.

"I can't do this. I'm-I'm sorry!" I say as I run away from the altar, and to the cemetery down the road.

Rather quickly, I locate my mother's grave and sit down in front of it.

"Mama, please help me. Daddy wants me to be with Daniel, but I love Chad! Please, I don't know what to do Mama." I sob out as I hug her headstone.

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