Shakin Hands (Chad)

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Final part
Tobi's POV

"Alright, so you'll be in room six. Dr. Marsh will be in soon." The midwife says as we both sit down. I grab the gown and go into the bathroom to change and come back out and lie down on the bed.

"I hope it's a boy." Chad mentions as I play on my phone. I smirk.

"Well maybe we should have took the chance to find out at 22 weeks." I say and he sticks his tongue out at me as Dr. Marsh walks in.

He does the normal things he's supposed to, but then stops during the ultrasound.

"The baby isn't in the right position." He mentions and I look at Chad scared.

"We can try to turn the baby from out here, but if it won't turn, then we'll have to do a C-section." He says and I nod as Chad kisses the top of my head.

The baby, thankfully, turns around and is facing downwards now and they let my labor progress.

Finally it's time to push and I feel like I'm going die with the amount of pain I'm going through.

"One more and we'll have a baby!" The head midwife says and I scream as I push as hard as I can, hearing a cry seconds later.

"It's a girl!" She says and places the crying newborn on my chest as I soothe her cries for comfort.

"Hi baby. I'm your Mommy. You're so beautiful." I whisper as Chad takes the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord and then snaps a few photos of us.

The doctor take her to clean her up and such as Chad gives me a kiss.

"I love you so much, Tobi. So much." He says and I smile as they hand me our daughter.

"What should we name her?" I ask Chad and Chad smiles as he takes the baby.

"How about Cherish? Cherish Lea?" He asks and I smile as I nod loving the name.

I hold Cherish in my arms as a knock at the door comes. It opens to reveal the guys, well except Mike because he couldn't catch a flight up here until Friday.

"Wow, she's adorable." Ryan mentions as he holds Cherish.

"She looks like Tobi, but with Chad's eyes." Daniel says and I laugh as they give her back to us and leave.

"I hope Leia can forgive me for when she was conceived." I say and then Leia walks in.

"I forgive you, Tobi. I've come to terms with the fact that you can't help who you fall in love with, I mean look at Zack and I. We got pregnant back in September and only found out now in December. The baby is due in May. My Grandparents don't approve of Zack because he is into music like Dad was.  Music is only Zack's pastime, he's a Naval Soldier for the US Navy based in Maui." She says and I offer her to hold Cherish and she takes it.

"Wow she's a chunky little thing isn't she? What's her name?" Leia asks and I smile.

"Cherish Lea. And she was 7 pounds 9 ounces so yeah she is quite chunky." I say and both of them laugh.

I'm glad my family has returned together.

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