Shakin Hands (Chad)

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Part 6
Tobi's POV
Five months later

"Tobi? You alright?" Chad asks as I sit up in bed to another Braxton Hicks contraction.

"Yeah, the baby just woke up." I mumble as I lie back down and he pulls me into his arms.

I'm about 8 months along and the baby has attempted to come early twice now.

The next day, I'm awoken to Chad bringing me breakfast and smile as I kiss him gently.

Daniel and Ryan both found someone for themselves and understand that it was just sex, nothing more between them.

Leia still refuses to talk to me, as I got pregnant when I was supposed to be down there with her for her mom's funeral. My bad for falling in love.

Mike is excited to become an uncle, as are the other two guys.

Chad's mom has been overjoyed since we told her to be a grandma, as the only grandkids she has are Dawson and Leia.

"So, you think it could come today?" Chad asks and I shrug.

"Big possibility. I'm almost 36 weeks, and that's mine months." I say and he nods as he kisses me.

We haven't made love since I made it to 31 weeks, as it's advised by many doctors not to do so.

I take a nap around 1pm and wake up around 4 to a full aching in my abdomen and a wet spot on the bed.

"Chad! It's time!" I call out as I try to move and get out of bed.

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