Brother's Best Friend (Chad)

56 0 0

Part 7

Tuesday, September 11, 2001
7:31am EST
4:31 PST


"Hey baby when you get this I'll hopefully be home. I love you, give Tyler and Sarah hugs and kisses for me! How the album release goes well!" I say as I call home one last time before getting on the plane to San Francisco then one to Vancouver.

"American airlines flight 11." I say as I give the lady my passport and work visa.

"Alright, Mrs. Kroeger, have a seat over there and we'll be announcing the flight momentarily." She says and I nod as I go to the first class lounge and sit down.

Finally they call first class and passengers that have young kids or need assistance and I walk up to the gate and give the lady my ticket.

"Have a nice flight!" She says and I smile as I walk on to the plane.

I take my seat and relax, shouldn't be much longer before we're in the air.

We get in the air and I get breakfast. A while later, around 8:30, these five guys take the plane over and force everyone into the back of the plane.

I see another girl on the phone with I'm guessing police or ATC when we drop low and turn around.

"Oh my god! We're flying low! Like really low!" The girl on the phone screams and I look out the nearest window to see Downtown Manhattan under us.

"Oh my god!" I scream as we plunge into the side of one of the Twin Towers.

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