Brother's Best Friend (Chad)

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Part 5

Two Years later

June 18, 1996

"Here she is!" The nurse says as she brings us out daughter and I smile as I hold her in my arms, Chad smiling down at her.

"She's got that red hair from you baby." He says and I smile as I brush her face with my finger.

Chad gently takes her from me as I sit up and take a sip of water.

When Tyler was 18 months old, we found out that I was pregnant again and we were overjoyed when I found out it was a little girl.

"She so beautiful." I whisper as Chad lets me feed her when the door opens and my brother and son come into the room.

Chad's mom and stepdad couldn't make it due to bad weather in Hanna, same with Ryan and I's parents.

"What's her name?" Ryan asks as he holds our daughter after she's done eating.

"Sarah Jane Kroeger is her name." Chad says and Ryan smiles as he gives her back.

"I want to hold!" Tyler cries and I shake my head as I give him Sarah and she seems to be content in her big brother's arms.

We finally get to go home after three days and Sarah settles in her bed contently as Chad makes Tyler lunch.

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