Never Gonna Be Alone (3)

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Cassie's POV

"Why didn't you call the wedding off if you're in love with Chad, Cassie?" Daniel asks me after Chad and I break apart from our kiss.

"They pushed me into it. When I got my period, Amelia told them and they forced my hand in keeping the wedding on when in reality I never wanted to marry you." I whisper as Chad holds my hand.

"You're not pregnant? You two lied to me?" Daniel asks me and my dad and stepmom.

"Son, she might still be carrying your child!" Dad tries to say and I scoff.

"No, you know what, I'm done with you all. Amelia is also your daughter, yet you won't treat her like this, force her into an unwanted marriage. No instead, you welcomed Briar into the family without a second glance! My own mother would be turning in her grave at what your forcing me to do! Just like her parents and yours forced her into marrying your pathetic ass all because you were hot shit in school and mom didn't pay you any glance but you wanted her! I took another test just to be sure I'm not pregnant! I'm not! Here's the damn test!" I yell at my father as I throw the pregnancy test at his face and go to Chad and Daniel.

"I wasn't in love with you Daniel, never had been. The only reason we even slept together that night was because I saw Chad with Nicole and thought they reconciled. I'm sorry that my family lied to you and attempted a forced relationship all because you have money and Dad's family cut him off for doing this. I'm sorry, but I want to follow my heart with my love. I hope this isn't in any way hard on you but I can't marry someone I'm not in love with." I tell Daniel who smiles as he hugs me tightly.

"It wasn't your fault that your family thinks lowly of you and wanted to force your hand into something you didn't want. You need to follow your heart Cassie, follow it every step of the way." He says and I smile as I kiss his cheek before going to Chad and he pulls me into a deep kiss.

"Daniel! Aren't you going to stop them?" My father asks and I watch, only to see Daniel punch him in the face.

"You're a piece of shit, Robert. You're no man and you don't deserve such a sweet daughter like Cassie. I'm not going to force her into an unwanted marriage like your parents and Zara's forced her into." He says as he walks to his car, Ryan going with him. My dad, stepmother, and half sister all walk to me and glare at me.

"You are a little whore, Cassandra. I bet you were pregnant with his baby instead of Daniel's." Amelia says and I punch her in the face.

"I'm not the little slut who cheated on Briar with her ex." I say and Briar looks at Amelia with shocked eyes.

"Briar, babe, I didn't-" she tries to say but he brushes her off as he leaves the parking lot. My dad grabs my arm and I jerk it away.

"You are coming home with me this instant, Cassandra. We will find another eligible suitor for you and have a wedding. You will not be marrying that piece of shit while I'm still breathing." He says and Chad scoffs.

"You call me the piece of shit, but ha e you ever looked in the mirror. You're the one who abused Cassie from the time her mother died when she was 8 to the time you got that whore pregnant and married her. Then you had your perfect little family, all except that you refused to allow your oldest to marry her best friend, all because my biological father knocked the piss out of you over Zara a time or two in high school. Cassie is 26, and can make her own decisions about her life without your say." Chad says and they all leave the parking lot as he takes my hand.

"Let's get married."  He says and I smile as I nod.

Six months later....

"And do you, Cassandra Lily James, take Chad Robert Kroeger to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The officiant asks me and I smile as I nod.

"I do." I whisper and Chad smiles as the man allows us to kiss.

After the wedding I see Chad bringing over two flutes of Champagne in our hotel suite.

"I can't have that." I say and he smiles as he sets mine on the table and hugs me gently.

"I can't wait." He says and I smile as he kisses me and we dance to the radio.

Nickelback imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora