Brother's Best Friend (Chad)

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Part 6

A year later

July 11, 1997


Mr. Peake?" The doctor calls out as we all wait for word on Ryan's girlfriend and twins.

"I am so sorry, but Alissa didn't make it. Her heart gave out before we opened her up, thankfully your twins are at viability and they were taken to the NICU." The doctor says and I see Ryan drop to the floor in tears all of us rushing to comfort him.

Eventually we all go to he NICU to see the twins, Ryan wanting to go in alone first.

We watch Ryan from the window place his hand on Twin A's incubator and the another on Twin B's.

A few moments later Ryan comes out and goes to the Adoption room and I realize that he's hurting.

He comes out with a flyer for the adoption and sits in a chair.

"Ryan, are you sure you want to do this?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Alissa is gone, I don't know if I can do it alone." He says as he voice cracks.

"Name then. That will help you decide. If you can't bear the thought of naming them, then you're doing what's right, but if you can name them, then you love them and their mother." I say and he nods as he gets the two birth certificates the NICU nurse gave him and fills out their names.

Twin A's name is Damien Alistair Peake and Twin B's name is Alissa Noelle Peake.

Ryan tosses the flyer into the trashcan before going back to his twins.

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