Savin' Me( All The Right Reasons)

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Gracie's POV

"Fred, stop!" I yell as my boyfriend keeps hitting me, causing me to scream out in pain.

Being 21 and having a coke-head for a boyfriend really does fuck with your life.

Fred and I met at this local dive bar in the middle of West Virginia and within the three weeks of us knowing each other, we got together and I moved in with him, not knowing he lived in British Columbia.

"You'll learn eventually bitch to respect me!" He yells as his grip on my throat tightens, cutting off my airway and not allowing me to breathe at all.

Just as my eyes begin to close and my vision begins to go black, I hear four voices yelling and feel Free being ripped away from me.

"The fuck are you doing?" I hear one of them say faintly and look up to see this guy with blonde hair down to his shoulders trying to keep me awake.

"My baby. Please save my baby." I manage to get out, just as I hear the sirens of the ambulance in the far distance, just as I close my eyes.

A WEEK later...

Gracie's POV

"So, why can't I go home yet?" I ask the doctor who looks down at my chart before sighing.

"You can, but you'll need some help. I'm putting you on complete bedrest to ensure that your child's life is not in any immediate danger." He says and I groan as I realize that the lack of oxygen to my brain caused something to be wrong with my baby.

"The only family I have is in West Virginia and I doubt I can fly." I say and he nods, waving at the door for someone to enter and I see the same blonde guy from about a week ago enter.

"Mr. Kroeger has offered to help take care of you, Miss. James." He says and I nod, grumbling as I get helped into the wheelchair beside my bed.

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