Miss You(2)

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(Part 2 of 8)

Anna's Pov                                                  1994                      Age: 19

"Anna? Are you okay?" I hear Chad ask as i sit in the soundroom, away from him. 

"I'm fine, Chad. Ryan and i Just got into it again last night." I say as i try to hide the welt from the lamp.

"Did he hit you?" Chad asks and i shake my head as i start to sob, his arms holding me close.

"I-I mentioned that i might be pregnant again and he flipped out on me. he shoved me backwards and i hit the lamp. it burnt me. i'm leaving today Chad. I can't do this anymore." I tell Chad as i look up at him and he nods as he lets me sob.

Chad's Pov                                                         2006                            Age: 31

"Anna?" i ask the girl with brown hair as she interviews Daniel, our new drummer. 

"Hey Chad! You're next, so don't run off." she say as she wraps up the interview with Daniel and comes over to me, and i smile as i pull her into a hug. 

"i've missed you." i tell her and she smiles as she pulls out of the hug. 

As she goes to ask me a question, i pull her into a kiss. She fights it at first, but soon gives in and relaxes as we don't have to hide the kisses anymore. 

"Anna?" i hear Ryan ask and we break apart to see him holding his son, Dax, as his wife stands with them.

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