Brother's Best Friend (Chad)

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Part 8

Tuesday, September 11, 2001
5:38am PST


"In New York this morning, a plane crashed into the north tower of the world trade center. People on the ground say it was an American airlines jet. Both towers are being evacuated as we speak by NYFD and NYPD, as well as Port Authority. Now onto our weather for today." The news says and I grab the phone to call Lily.

"Hey you've reached Lily Kroeger! Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"

"Hey Lil, it's Chad. I was just calling to see if you're okay, a plane crashed into the World Trade center a little bit ago. Call me when you can, I love you!" I say as I hang up and hope like hell it wasn't her plane.

"We have reports from NBC in New Jersey, that another plane has crashed into the world trade center. The United States has deemed this terrorism officially as of 9:15 EST. All US airspace is being grounded and there is a phone line set up for you to call if you're loved ones haven't called you yet. That number is +7 656 9897. "

Around seven the kids get up and they're looking for Lily and I decide to call the hotline.

That's when I find out. Lily was on the first plane, AA 11.

Thursday comes and we do a funeral for Lily and I feel my heart sink farther into my chest as now I have two kids under ten to raise on my own.

Tyler is taking his mom's loss hard, as is Sarah. Neither have been talking much these past few days.

"Daddy?" I hear Sarah ask and turn around from the sink to see her in her PJs and holding her teddy bear Lily got her before she went to Boston for work.

"Hey baby, come here." I whisper and she comes over to me and starts to cry. Gut wrenching sobs coming from her.

"I miss Mommy!" She wails as I pick her up and sit at the table with her in my arms rocking her gently.

We found out that Sarah has Autism Spectrum Disorder, meaning she is on the spectrum, but not high enough to be considered autistic, about a year ago.

"She's here baby, she's always here." I whisper as I hold her close, letting her cry, and crying myself.

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