Miss You(1)

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(Part 1 of 8)

Anna's POV                                        1984                                       age: 09

"Hi, I'm Chad, and this is Ryan. We're your neighbors." the boy from across the street tells me and i nod as i shake their hands. 

"I'm Anastaisa, but you guys can call me Anna. I just moved here from Edmonton. " i tell them and they nod as an ice cream truck comes down the road. 

5 years later, 1989 Anna's pov                            age: 15

"Hey Anna, Can we talk for a few?" Ryan asks me and i shrug as i nod, following him to the east side of the school yard. 

"Will you, uhm, go to prom with me?" He asks and i smile a little as i nod. 

After the dance, Ryan and i ditch the prom and go to the lake. There, Ryan pulls out a half full bottle of tequila. 

after we both get our fill of tequila, he leans in and i don't stop him as he makes tonight one of the best nights of my life.

 Anna's pov                                                                                   six weeks later            

"Anna? You okay?" i hear Chad ask as i stand from vomiting up my lunch.

"Im okay. just feel a little sick. Can i tell you something, Chad?" i ask him as he sits with me in the girls bathroom.

"What's wrong Anna?" He asks as he hands me his apple.

"I'm six week pregnant. I haven't told Ryan yet, and i'm afraid he won't want it." I tell Chand who nods as he gently kisses me.

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