Too Bad(The Long Road)

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Part 2 to first part...

Concert, 2 days later...


"Ok, you can do this, Raven." I say to myself as I walk up to where Nickelback is signing autographs and my mom comes with me as she walks me up to the signing booth and Chad looks up at her and smiles.

"Lilly, nice to see you again. And..." He says and I look down, as my mother hands him the birth certificate and he sighs, standing up and waving us to follow him.

"Lilly, I know that she's my daughter, but why did you hide her?" Chad asks and I give him a confused look.

"Because you said you didn't want any kids, Chad! And she was a mistake and still is in my eyes!" My mom says and I stand up, pushing past them and running out of the dressing room as I hear my name being called and suddenly run into someone and look up to see Daniel, I'm guessing, standing there.

"Hi there, are you lost?" He asks and I shake my head.

"My mom don't want me." I say and he sighs, helping me up and we walk over to this black box and sit down.

"How about you start from the beginning, okay?" He asks and I nod, telling him the whole story.

"Damn, so you're Chad's daughter? What's your name?" he asks and I smile.

"Raven." I say and he smirks as I see my father walking down the hallway to see me and he quickly hugs me.

"You're coming home with me, Raven. I love you, sweetheart." He says and I cry into his shirt as he picks me up, and I see my bitch of a mother standing there,  smug look on her face.

"Have fun with the little ingrate." She says before leaving nd I bury my face into his shoulder as he carries me to his dressing room and he sets me down in a chair and smiles at me.

"I love you baby girl, so fucking much." He says and I hug him tightly as he hugs me back.

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