Not an update😭😭😦😢

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Hey guys, it's me. 

I just got the worst mother's day present ever. 

I went to the doctors like, last week sometime and got a shit ton of bloodwork done for testing on my ovaries.

Well, as it turns out I have this rare and weird genetic disease that causes me to still have that 100% chance of getting pregnant, but the baby only has a 35% chance of being healthy. 

The doctor literally called me at 8:30 this morning with the results and I broke down in tears at the news.

I hate my life so much right now.

If I ever get pregnant, the baby has a 65% chance of being born prematurely or having some random disease. It only has a 35% chance of being healthy, but even then it'll have breathing probs.

I just want to cry. 😭😭😭😢😦😭😧

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