Starship Troopers

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"Everyone ready?" Stella asks everyone

They nod as slav jaune smiles.

Soon the screen comes to life as it shows in bold letters "ONE YEAR EARLIER" As it shows an advanced tablet with a hand drawing a picture of a familiar blond-haired bear hybrid and a familiar bunny faunus.

"Oh, It's Johnny and Velvet right?" Coco asks

Velvet blushes "COCO !" She yells from her seat with a few chuckles. Soon a familiar voice is heard. "Putin...Putin.....PUTIN!" soon the sight of Clover is seen as he now has one arm and is in a class of what look to be teenagers and young adults as johnny jumps in shock. "Sir!" Clover looks at him as he breaths. "Pay attention."

Yang soon grins as ruby looks at her sister. "Yang no !" She grins bigger. "Well looks like he's been Disarmed!" Ruby groans as Tai laughs

The rest groaned as well

"Wait, why does Clover have one arm?" Qrow asks

Slav Jaune answers. "He lost his arm during the patriotic war. And now after his retirement is a moral philosophy and history teacher at the moskovia academy."

"Did he ever get a prosthetic or did he choose not to?" James asked

Slav Jaune shrugs. "I asked him about it and he said it was a good way of keeping students attention during class if a stub touches them."

The audience understood that

Johnny nods "Yes sir" clover backs up. "Now today we go over the failure of democracy! And how it lead our world to the brink of collapse." He walks the classroom as Johnny sends a message to Velvet who chuckles abit and begins to draw on her tablet as Clover continues to talk. "Then we talked about the veterans, who took control and instilled the system which has been around."

The students listened in. "Why is democracy a bad thing? Isn't allowing the people to rule a good thing?" Weiss asks

Soon clover stops and touches his stub to a student. "You! Why isn't it that citizens can run for politics." The student looks as if he wasn't even paying attention. "It's a reward...given to you after doing military service for the Federation." Clover just sighs and shakes his head. "No! No! Somthing given has no value!"

"That's true, especially in life," Ozpin said, knowing that life doesn't just hand you life on a silver platter.

"You earn your citizenship through service," Orianna said, taking note of the rather unorthodox methods these Moskovians use

Clover steps back and expands on his lecture. "When you vote you are exercising political authority! Your using force! And force my students is violence, the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived from."

The younger audience didn't understand it as ruby raises a hand. "But...doesn't violence solve anything ?"

"One man once said 'That the only universal thing in this world is Violence.' Because at some point, you'll have to raise your fists than open your hands." Stella said, quoting a certain potato-farming, orphan-slaying pigman

Soon clover pointed his stump at johnny "You. What is the difference, if any, between the soldier and the civilian?" "The difference," johnny answered carefully," lies in the field of civic virtue. A soldier accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic of which he is a member, defending it, if need be, with his life. The civilian does not." 

"OOooh, good point," James said.

Those in civilian life or who never joined up the military were surprised by this, unsure if they're getting low-blowed.

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