Arcadia and Inazuma PT4

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Helix In! Here is another chapter following up the previous one, so now, let's get to it!

And as he faces this drama, off with his other sister Beth she is seen in Mantle on the Arcadia side inspecting the forces station there and her 2nd of all people is Winter Schnee walking with her holding a tablet in full Arcadia military uniform.

"Good look on you," Coco says

The base was up to standard protocols as she looks around the stockpile of the ordinance and inspects the weapons and ammunition, as well as the technology within.

"Hmm, ok, this should be good," Beth says to herself as she finishes the inspection of the ordinance. "Winter, dear, it seems nothing hasn't been stolen," Beth says. "Yes, Ma'am." Winter replies

Anything on the Inazuman side of the Wall?" Beth asks. "Nothing much although, some soldiers from both sides seem to be insulting each other Ma'am, I'm uncertain if it's friendly or hostile." Winter says as that caught Eliza's attention.

Jaune slowly turns to the overseers. "Context, please."

"Well, every now and then, some Inazuman and Arcadian soldiers patrolling the Wall that divides both Arcadian and Inazuman sects of Mantle like to throw some funny insults or jokes at each other, but they mostly trade some stuff from their side of the wall," Helix says.

"Sort of what my unit did back then," Helix adds, remembering a nice memory

"Mostly the recruits and some officers do this as a past-time besides trading," Stella adds

Putin soon adds. "As to answer your question of WHY there is a wall, it is like a cold war of a place called Earth but neither side of this remnant have vast missiles which can destroy the world many times over aimed at each others assuring mutually assured destruction."

"They mostly agreed that a united Mantle and by extension, a united Atlas is bad for both nations, so they're willing to separate them to protect their interests, indefinitely," Helix adds to what Putin says

Most if not everyone nods looking back at the screen.

But were a bit distraught by that decision

"That again? I often wonder why Commander Hidetaka doesn't do anything." Beth says as she remembers the Commander of East Mantle.

 As they walk to the checkpoints winter is seen looking at her superior and 2nd in line for the throne. "Ok, ok just act naturally and try to seduce her." She thinks "Oh who the hell am I kidding !? She's a walking goddess of elegance, intelligence, a fit body." Her eyes go down to her firm backside. "Dat ass." All her thoughts behind a mask of a calm and collected Arcadia Officer.

"Really?" Marrow asks

Beth looks at Winter in the audience. "HEY! Eyes up here." She points to her face in a commanding tone.

Winter simply shook her head. "No, not again!" She says as she remembers what Saphron did.

Saphron simply laughed nervously to the disappointment of Terra and her mama

"You say something, Winter?" Beth asks

Willow simply hides from the glares using Qrow as a meat shield.

"Why?" Qrow asks

Winter replays back. "I was asking...if maybe you would want to grab something to eat?" Hoping to at least get a foot in the door.
"Oh, well sure, after we check on what's going on at the border!" Eliza answers
Winter nods, happy at the progress she made 'Okay, we're getting there!' She told herself as the two walked to the Wall.

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