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It's a saturday my guys!

Here's a  lil somethin' I whipped up while waiting for my shift to end.





Clicks filled the air and the ringing continued.

Freya stared at the array of numbers on her screen waiting to be called and bother people with whatever the hell she may offer.

Her mind drifted off and her head heavier rested on her palm. She mentally drifted off to dreamland as the annoying ringing blared at her tortured ears.

Hello, this is Freya calling from ringalingling tones about your landline ringing-" she sighed as yet another asshole hung up on her for just doing an honest living.

But who the hell was she convincing? This was just a sad work for something people didn't even know!

Did you know that you can change your landline ringing tone? Well so the hell did she, but here she was, ass sore from sitting all day, ears ringing from the headsets slowly merging one with her, and people who didn't even give her a chance to even complete her script.

A sad life to be living. Well, at least it paid barely minimum wage for her to sit around in.

Freya subconsciously dialed another nameless number as she stared into space, eye blinking slowly after the other as her mind drifted off once again to the blaring ring in her ears.

"Hello?" She jumped in her seat caught off guard by the sudden voice.

"Oh, hi! Is this Esther tone?" She greeted, getting her bearings together.

"Yes. This is he speaking, who is this?"

"Right! This is Freya from ringalingling tones to offer you various landline tones" she read in her script with a hopeful tone.

She heard a snort from the other line before he cleared his throat.

"That's an interesting line of business your a part of huh" he jest. She couldn't help but scoff in agreement. She looked at her script for her next line.

"Well it really is a tone in a million sir, would you wish to continue?" She asked, cringing at that pun.

"Sure, why not?" He answered.

"Wait really? I mean great sir!" She exclaimed a bit surprised he would proceed with this.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm intrigued, oh! Do you have those cat singing soundtracks that go-" and Freya was blessed with a musical acapella of a cat singing personally by a very avid customer.

She had to mute her mic to laugh without interrupting him, quietly of course since there were people around her.

"Y-your in luck sir! Singing kitty is hot on the market" she announced without trying to break the least bit of professionalism in her.

"Great! How do I get it?" He eagerly asked.

And their transaction processed from there. And Freya actually enjoyed every moment of it!

He was funny, and pretty patient when she took time listing down information, and kind enough to assure her it was alright to take time.

Thus, he purchased multiple landline ringing tones. He was a very laid-back guy to be completely honest.

"And just to recap sir. You made a total of three types of tone purchases, the first one is doja kitty's kiss me more"

"Yes. Love that"

"Turn around cat-themed parody"


"And the last one is never gonna give you up, correct?"

"Yes, absolutely perfect."

"Yes for the total of 250 dollars, which you will be paying via remittance exchange."

"Mhmm money worth spending if I do say so myself."

Freya noted and recalled their interaction.

"Alright, sir. And your all set, enjoy your new catchy tunes!" She chirped.

"Yes perfect! Honestly, you guys are underrated! People need more pizazz on their landline ring tones.

" well, unfortunately, pretty much no one uses landlines anymore"

"Well with the standard, bland ringtones they don't" he scoffed before breaking into a laughing fit.

"Agreed sir, well with your tunes installed and working, your all set!"

"Great! You've been very lovely Freya. Thank you" she couldn't deny she was touched by his words.

"Well, you're very much welcome sir! That's so kind of you! Well, I guess you're all set with your purchase, thank you for your time, and have a tuney rest of your day!"

"Alright, thank you as well Freya, and to you too"

And then the call was dropped.

Freya sighed and took a moment before she would proceed with the other calls.

And the bland monotonous cycle continues.

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