Villain that's Smitten

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Just a villain being smitten by the love of their life, enjoy! and please! do tag/mention/summon me when you use these dialogues! I would love to see what you've done with them!


*villain's s/o absolutely annihilating the battlefield* "Just perfection"

"My love, did I mention how absolutely ravishing you are covered in the enemy's blood?"

"Hey! watch your tone hero! my love might not seem like it, but they bite"

"I could watch the world burn, nay, I will burn humanity and everything just because a pesky spider dare to make you jump my dear" "Love, you were the one who screamed when I called you in to kill it"

"Really? We're resulting to kidnapping now hero? Oh, you're in for a treat, my dearest would have your head once they find out, no don't look frightened now! Save it for when they arrive!"

*their s/o leading an army* "gotta love me a dominating man/woman"

"I would imagine how bland and lifeless everything is without them"

"You look absolutely mind-blowing surrounded in flames and towering over your enemies"

"Hmm, the last time you looked at me that way made you sore for a few days my dear, but by all means, don't stop in my defense"

"Hey! watch your hands! only I get to manhandle them like that!"

"Tell me, my love? what do you need? chocolates? pizza? world domination? murder? a baby? we can make or steal one *wink* name it and it's your's my love"

"HERO! WHAT THE HELL?! do you think I would cause destruction in my civilian clothing?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" "*gasps* I'M SO SORRY! I didn't see you with them! You're on a date! I'm so sorry! Wait! Food on me, please! I'm really sorry about this!"

"Uhm boss you alright?" "Boss is pouty cause mistress refuses to give him a kiss when he was covered in blood"

"Hero, know that this is the lowest I would go, you hear me! only for today will I call a truce!" "Let me guess, you forgot it was valentines day and you're asking for help with gifts huh" "Shut your face and help me!"

"My love, I am absolutely at your mercy"

OTP promptshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz