Period Care (Ask 18)

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Ask: Hey your blog helped me so much! So i wanna say thank you and keep up the good work!

can i request how someone is like when they're on period and how would their S/O help or take care of them?

i hope im not asking too much

thank you-anon

You just made my entire week, I'm glad I am able to be this kind of impact on anyone! Thank you! I'll continue making and producing work the best that I can :)

Yes! I honestly wanted to do period-related topic prompts! so thank you for bringing this up! It's no sweat Anon! hope you enjoy!

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-Ok first off their s/o would either be briefed or be educated on what goes down on shark week when they made a comment about those myths created by people with no uterus.

-Bathrooms would be stacked with different pads/tampons or any needs their partner may need or anyone visiting might need if they get their periods suddenly.

-They track their s/o's flow with apps, granted the apps aren't always accurate but they still like to track em.

-Pantry would be stacked and filled to the brim each month just for their s/o.

-The first flow they witnessed was a panicked phone call to their sister and a quick grocery trip really helped.

-Back rubs and stomach kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.

-They'd bring food and a heating pack in the bed and fluffy blankets would be offered as sacrifices.

-They'd cuddle and rub their s/o's back and softly singing to them!? while watching their favorite movie/series.

-They'd carry spare sanitary pads/tampons/ the goods anywhere they may go just in case.

-A warm bath would be ready when their s/o wakes up with the bed ruined. They'd assure their s/o it'll be fine and their bath is ready and they'd take care of the bed and everything else.

-Getting them coffee or snacks when their craving hits.

-Being understanding and pretty giving when their s/o's hormones pick up and their mood shifts.

-Assuring their s/o that it's alright that they yelled, pushed them away, or got annoyed over the small things while they give their s/o kisses and wiping their tears away.

-Buying balms or oils to help with their s/o's cramps and gently giving massages while rubbing the oil/balm.

-Taking care of the kids while the parent deals with their cramps and generally keeping a fair distance from their bedroom.

-Feeding them food when they have really bad cramps but they need to eat.

-Making sure their s/o is hydrated/full and happy despite having bad cramps.

-Taking them to the park to get some sun and possibly nap outside.

-Ice cream, they treat their s/o with lots of ice cream.

-Bringing spare clothes just in case their s/o needs them when they're out and about on a date.

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