I have to go

10 1 0

Here's some angst for ya! I imagine this to be pre-battle but you can take it anyway you would like!

Tag/mention me! Would love to read your work!

-Spending those few moments together either cuddled up or doing something they love until the inevitable would come and they have nothing to do but accept what's to come.

-Parting embrace that just gets tighter as the other whispers "it's time, I need to go"

-Their s/o pleading and begging for them to stay, or at least fight it together.

-Their s/o gave their forehead a lingering kiss as they whispered their goodbye.

-Leaving when their s/o is asleep because they know damn well they can't leave when their s/o is on their knees begging for them to stay.

-Both succumb to the realization and reality of the importance of them leaving and they just feel so weak but let go without much of a fight.

-The promise of being back, but not giving their word if they come back either dead or alive.

-Leaving a token of their affection or a token of their love behind with their s/o.

-Both not addressing the matter but choosing to spend the remaining time building happy memories instead.

-Leaving a note with the promise of their return instead of actually saying goodbye.


-"No, come on, don't cry, I'll start crying, come on"

-"Wait for me ok"

-"I'll be back, I promise"

-"Don't miss me too much"

-"I'll come to find you as soon as I get back"

-"Be good"

-"I have to, I need to"

-"Are they already asleep? give them this please"

-"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone ok?"

-"I won't be that long, I'll be back before you know it, ok?"

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