Billionaire! MOC

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Billionaire AND marriage of convenience?! Sign me the hell up!

Tag/mention me if ya'll use it! wanna see what you've done with these dialogues I can equally support

-"If you need something, don't hesitate to let me know, I'm serious"

-"Why are you ignoring me?" "You didn't have to buy the cafe I work at just to see me every day you know"

-"Do you know who you're talking to?!! I will buy you!"

-"What do you want darling? don't be shy"

-"Now look at that? Isn't my spouse just the most priceless beauty in this store? Yes they are"

-"Watch closely, this is for you"

-"Name your price, come on, I know there is a price!" "How dare you put a price on me?!" "Then call off the wedding!" "I AM DOING THIS DAMN WEDDING! JUST FOR SPITE NOW!"

-"I can buy you and this whole land if that's what it takes to be mine"

-"Isn't my spouse just adorable? They're feisty too, better watch out.

-"Anything to keep you happy"

-"I saw you looking at this at the window, so I bought every color"

-"Do you like this drink?" "N-no! you don't have to buy the whole stock the store has!" "You're right! I'll call the company later" "No!"

-"Come on, doesn't mean this marriage is built on hate, just for today we can call it a truce and travel for the weekend."

-"If you want to watch the new movie coming up we can rent out the whole theater"

-"You may hate me, but you can't deny how convenient this all is"

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