Power Couple (Ask 8)

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Ask: Power couple prompts with everyone being jealous of them 🤭-anon

Yes! of course! I love it! Thank you for this ask!

Tag|Summon|Mention idk just hmu XD I wanna read your work/s!

-Them just being in their little world filled with just nothing but themselves and everyone is just either over it or aweing at the adorableness.

-They're not just lovers but friends, they can be lovey-dovey one moment and they can be bodyslamming into each other and making fart jokes or 'that's what she said' jokes for shits and giggles.

-Their family replacing them with the other instead.

-Acting like an old married couple.

-"Oh no we do fight, just not as often- plus we find ways for the resolution and makeup and stuff"

-Being best friends first before jumping into a relationship to establish their foundation and bond.

-Being comfortable with each other having friends with the opposite gender and being excited to share what their partner is like if asked if they have a partner to try hitting on them.

-"Who's that cutie?" "Oh I'd give up if I were you, they're in a happy and genuine relationship with their partner, yes those still exist"

-Both being the unhinged goblins they are and finding out they somehow balance each other out.

-"come on! take your gross lovey-dovey somewhere else!" We're not!"

-Their friends either cringing or aweing at how they just click with each other.

-Being the cause of half of their friends matching up and or getting back together when their friend couples running to them with their problems

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