Platonic touches (Ask 13)

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Ask: Hallo there!

This may be hard to do, but I really liked your touch prompts and was wondering if you could do one for best-friends, but the one touching is in love with the other? (Not a secret two way thing, just one of them is secretly smitten)


Hi Anon! I'm glad you enjoyed the touch prompts! I'd be more than happy to do these! I love this! Thank you for this prompt idea Dear anon!

One-sided platonic touches.

-That lingering touch after mundane platonic moments, crossing the streets, passing a pen, moving their hair when their friend asks them to tie their hair up for them.

-Lingering touch when they share a hug.

-Wiping their tears away and their eyes momentarily give away their bottled emotion for their friend before looking away.

-Wiping food, dirt, or anything from their friend's face, jokingly commenting about how messy they are.

-Lingering skin contact when their shoulders/arms touch when being close and their mind is just focused on it and their beating heart.

-Subtle touch in the arm/hand or any part of their body when they're close.

-Squishing their face and laughing at how adorable they are and just being more smitten but their friend is just annoyed (not really)

-Laughingly poking their friend's side to get them to laugh/tease them and just laughing with them.

-Unconsciously holding hands and their friend is just taking it like its something mundane when the other is secretly grinning and smiling like crazy.

-Hauling ass or grabbing their hand to get away from anything remotely threatening.

-Running their hand through their friend's forehead/hair when they keep complaining about it.

-Fixing their collar, hood, or any part of their friend's clothes and their hands linger a little too long.

-Being absolutely smitten while carrying their friend on a piggyback ride or being carried in a piggyback ride while their friend is just blabbering away being unaware of their smitten friend.

-Lingering smile/look when they feed their friend a position of their food.

-The squeeze of assurance and comfort when their friend seeks them out for comfort.

-Pinching their friend's cheek when they get all grumpy trying to make them smile by stretching their cheeks, and their grumpiness is just not working on them.

-Helping them put something on when their friend is drunk or wasted and laughing slightly when they get all frustrated and whiney when they're trying to poke their head through the armhole or when they get two legs inside the same pant leg.

-Pulling them closer to share a fan and they just laugh because their friend gets whiney when it's hot.

-Laughing and Belching out lyrics when in karaoke and sharing a mic, never mind that their hand is on their friend's to get a grip on the mic.

-Smiling when their friend is getting comfortable, like cuddling, leaning on them or just having their leg over theirs while scrolling through social media while their friend crashes in their house to annoy the hell out of them

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