Crossing the line

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Crazed dialogue and prompts. Oh my, but anyways! here are some crazed dialogue prompts! Have fun!

Tag|Summon|Battle cry my name @akmwrites! I wanna read what you used! 

-"why are you crying? You're supposed to be happy! We're finally going to be together! I thought that's what you've wanted!" "Not like this!"

-"Look at me! Am I not enough for you! ANSWER ME!"

-"This is what you want right? answer me"

-"Now there's no one else in the way"

-"I'm all you need, we don't need them"

-"Tell me you love me, you love me right? right?"

-"You can't! you can't leave! After all I've done, you're just going to leave?! no! I won't allow it! YOU'RE NEVER LEAVING"

-"Pick! me or them?"

-"Honey, you're trembling, you'll get over the shock, we'll be happy soon!"

-"Smile, why are you crying? are you afraid? why are you afraid?"

-"Does it disturb you? that's a shame, red is such a pretty color"

-"I'm crossing the line? *laughs* You're the one who wanted all of this!"

-"Look! OPEN YOUR EYES! get a good look at what I've done for you! All this is for you

-"Aren't you happy? You should be! Smile! Come on! Tears won't bring them back!"

-"I thought this is what you meant! welp, no turning back now! grab a shovel"

-"Isn't the sight just beautiful?"

-"Now tell me, do you still love me? would you still like to "fix" me?

-"Deranged? me? really now?"

-"I told you I'm unfixable, but you just had to see for yourself didn't you?"

-"Am I that good to have you speechless?" "W-what have you done?" "Well, I did tell you I don't like sharing, now I get to have you all for myself. Isn't that great?!"

OTP promptshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora