Tension Fueler

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Some moments (I think) where tension from an intense scene can be more tense or fuelled.

Let me know/tag me when you use them. I also wanna see how ya'll get creative with it!

-Heel clacking in an echoing hallway.

-Water dripping and echoing in the distance.

-Heavy breathing and heart pounding in your ears.

-The silence around the room and nothing but the sound of breathing.

-Being stared down and pinned when making even a step.

-Pacing around a room.

-Eyes shifting and sweat dripping.

-Incessant clicking in an otherwise silent room.

-Loud beeping from a machine.

-Holding a breath.

-Wooden floorboards creaking.

-Ticking of an old grandfather clock/clock.

-Vibration of a silent device.

-Pen scribbling on a paper/surface.

-Bright soundless light from the TV in a silent dark room.

-Being face to face and close in a one way mirror.

-The sound of rustling.

-Distant humming voice.

-The dizzying feeling of blood gushing out.


-"Come here, come closer"

-"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

-"I dare you"

-"You wouldn't"


-"I own you now, you're mine"

-"Take one more step"



-"Cat got your tongue?"

-"Don't make a sound"

-"You're bleeding!"

-"Who did this?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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