Being subtle prompts

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Here are some prompts for your subtle characters doing little things that are almost unnoticeable, almost.

Tag/mention me if ya'll use it! wanna see what you've done with these dialogues I can equally support!

-Standing behind you to shield you from the scorching heat of the sun, you don't notice until later on.

-Holding/leaning on the elevator door while waiting for you, and the other people.

-Sidewalk rule, They'll subtly walk in front of you to walk on the edge/outside part of the sidewalk, and you'll have no choice but walk beside them.

-Holding onto the corner of the table while you bend down to get something that has fallen off.

-Closing the blinds/lights or dimming the lights when the other shows sensitivity over the light.

-Swatting off those bugs flying over you at night.

-Walking behind them in an alley or dark place.

-Blocking your behind with their hand/body when you are wearing something short or stained behind.

-Holding the door open for you.

-Wearing that small trinket you like.

-Blocking/Catching anything unsuspecting flying your way while you're distracted.

-Pulling you aside from an incoming force preventing you from colliding with said force.

-Standing behind you and staring off any onlooking creep in the club.

-Pulling you down to avoid bumping your head from the wall/low ceiling.

-Steadying you before you trip.

-Pulling your shirt down when you're stretching.

-Adjusting your socks from sliding down when your legs are over theirs.

-Hair ruffling/head pats.

-Moving your mug away from the corner because you placed it down without looking at it.

-Cleaning up your glasses after they try it on.

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