Subtle accidental/subtle touch

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Prompt inspired by This! Here we go! I was really pumped up by the creator's prompt idea and it just sparked me to create these subtle accidental touches

Tag|Mention|Summon me! I'd love to hype up your work/s!

-Brush of the arm when walking together with friends.

-Holding your wrist while crossing the street before the lights turn green.

-Accidental brush of the back of your hands while walking around, both distracted but aware.

-Side of your shoes touching when close.

-Accidentally stepping on their feet/heel of their shoes when walking.

-A whisper in the ear from an inside joke or just something they needed to whisper to the other and their lips touch the other's ear when they accidentally become too close.

-Quickly brushing dirt from the other's clothes.

-Picking a loose eyelash from the other's face and making a wish.

-Knees grazing one another in a close proximity space.

-Removing loose leafs/dirt/snow in their hair.

-Leaning on each other's back when reaching for something.

-Weighted hand on the shoulder when getting up.

-Fingers brushing when passing an item over.

-A rub on the back followed by "Are you alright?" in an unfamiliar environment.

-Pushing you to the right direction when you start to stray.

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