Big Boys

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First prompt of the year!!! Here we gooooooo!

Although this is more catered to our beloved big boys from SZA's song in snl

Lets keep it for big kings or in this case big s/o's

-Clarification when we say big, we don't exactly mean mascular, toll or both (which is nothing wrong with s/o's who are) but we're talking about big bois rn

=Perks of dating big kings!=

>Being cuddled by a big boi is like being covered by warmth and comfort! Like a teddy bear! Big bois tend to withhold either cool or warm temperature for a very long time (speaking from experience) they'll keep ya warm for hrs, heater who? Thicc blankies who?! BEGONE!

>Love handles for days! Bois! If you get insecure by your love handles! Don't! We love it! We appreciate it! Never think otherwise!

>After shower cuddles, especially if the water's cold and the weathers hot as hell! After shower cuddles are the best! Come on!

>Soft and squishy! The best physical feature yet! They're always so soft and squishy! And it's hella attractive!

>Some are even more sensitive for you and your feelings, they remember everything, they're pretty amazing at listening! And they're very supportive too! You're their everything!

>They know how to dress, have you ever seen a big boi ever dress down? Nope! They know how to work it! They can be hot, and adorable at the same time come on

>Period days? They got you, the pantry will always be stocked, especially for these days!

>Dates are always awesome, food tripping anywhere, be it fancy restaurants or street foods! We're down!

And when you love them just right, and vanquish any insecurities they have due to the treatment of society of big bois, I can guarantee, they will do everything 101% to make you feel loved, valued and more

Loving big bois is another feeling I'll tell ya that.

Happy new year ya'll!


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