Stop looking at me with those eyes

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What eyes?

-Eyes that shine when you stare at me while trying to tell you a story.

-Eyes that are looking at me and only me.

-Eyes that twinkle when you're sharing your excitement from good news.

-Eyes that stare and bore into me when we're spending our time together.

-Eyes that melt me when we have that comfortable silence.

-Eyes that shine and twinkle when the sun kisses your face while we have our moment.

-Eyes that old mischief that warns me before you do something mischievous.

-Eyes that speak knowingly when our gaze crosses from a distance.

-Eyes that are partially hidden when you lean in for a kiss.

-Eyes that share my pain and offer comfort.

-Eyes that stare when I'm being my most genuine self.

-Eyes that offer so much comfort from the darkest times.

-Eyes that are drunken and dazed when spilling your secrets half asleep.

-Eyes that hold so much amusement when I'm having a fit and going on and on about something.

-Eyes that hold mischief and sass when the mere smug look you always have would set me off.

Ah yes, I haven't seen anyone do this yet so... why not? PLEASE DO TAG/MENTION ME SO I CAN SEE YOUR WORK!

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