Fainting (Ask 3)

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Ask: Prompts when their perfectly healthy lover faints out of nowhere (maybe being poisoned or smth) cue all the worry and protective rage -anon

Ayo! thank you for this magnificent **chef's kiss** prompt idea! hope this gets to you my lovely anon!

Tag|Summon| and mention me! I'd love to see your work on these prompt ideas!

-Catching them before they even hit the ground and jokingly shaking their partner, but slowly realizing that it's in fact not a joke!

-"Come on, love, nice try, come on up we go... my love, what's going on, you're looking pale, hey, what's going on. They're burning up! GET MOVING! WHAT'S GOING ON!"

-"W-what? what's wrong with them, Didn't I tell you to watch them?! who were they with?"

-Their partner falling out of nowhere when they're doing any form or type of activity in an open field and everything just stops as they rush towards their falling partner to see some sort of dart stuck in their body.

-"Love, love, your trembling, tell me, where does it hurt? What happened?"

-Them turning the whole place upside down to find who caused this and trying desperately to find the antidote.

-"I GAVE YOU ONE JOB! Find them! Bring them to me! ALIVE!"

-"Come on! Stay with me, ok? We're going to find the cure, I promise you, no stay with me! Please!"

-"You! I will make you feel the pain you've caused tenfold"


-"Come on love, I promise you we'll get through this, and we'll get all the ice cream you want, just please stay with me, ok?"

-Them kissing the protagonist's pale hand before going out to search the bastard that dare pull this trick on them.

-While the protagonist is getting healed up they are in the dungeon torturing the antagonist.

-Them hiring only the best scientist and chemists to develop any and every cure there possible is there just in case.

-Planting herbs and any plant based that could guarantee good health or help with antidotes in their garden.

-Them being even more protective and refuses to leave the protagonist's side and is even more clingy and protective.

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