After meeting massages (Ask 9)

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Ask: Giving s/o a back massage and a nice footrub after a long, stressful meeting 😌-anon

Yes! Thank you for this lovely ask my beautiful anon!

Tag|Mention|Summon me! I wanna read your works

-Foot rubs after their partner just belly flops into the sofa/bed and sprawls their feet on their partner's thighs.

-"Did the meeting go well love?" *groans* "And that's answer enough, come closer"

-A tight hug that turns into an awkward massage in that hug when their partner presses an area in their shoulder.

-A warm scented bubble bath together and a back massage when their partner is cleaning their back.

-Their partner fixing up a bubble bath with wine and they just soak up while their legs are dangling at the edge of the tub while their partner is rubbing their feet and asking them about their day.

-Immediately knowing what they need as soon as they walk inside and drop on their partner's warm hug while their partner removes their shoes and goes for those pressure points. Instant relief after being in uncomfortable shoes.

-Head massages after or while doing their skincare routine.

-"Ow! don't push too hard" "Love! you're tense! just stay still" "YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!"

-Spicy relief time turns into a massage session when their partner accidentally putting a little bit of weight/pressure on their back and hearing a groan and everything stopped and they asked if their partner's ok.

-Giving their partner foot rubs/massage when they notice them either curling their toes or pinching their toes.

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