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I have stumbled into marriage of convinience in TikTok and I am willingling in a chokehold.

Summon! Tag! Mention! Join me!!!!!! I wanna read what you come up with!

-Pulling their spouse closer when drawing unwanted attention followed by a glare.

-Forcing them to take a rest when their spouse is clearly pale and sick and disguising their worry with annoyance.

-"You have to admit, no matter how much you hate me, I kiss better don't I?" "Jackass" "You didn't deny it"

-Calling each other my wife/husband when their parents/in-laws visit just to rub it in that they feel for each other, but in truth, they do it just to annoy the other

-"That's my wife you're talking about, I'd watch the words coming out your mouth if I were you"

-Getting annoyed/mad when their spouse goes and injures themselves followed by soft aftercare.

-Tailing after their spouse after an argument in secret, you know just to make sure they're not out doing something stupid.

-Having them as their emergency contact instead of their actual "true love" or someone else

-Noticing after they kiss in front of a crowd or onlookers that their spouses' lips taste like their favorite lip flavor and they just stare at each other, one in realization and one being flustered.

-"Wow... You actually listen? Tell me, when you bought this flavor, did you think of the times you would actually use it? *gasp in teasing and mocking* do you actually like our kisses?" "Yes"

-Supporting their spouse in their line of work or gig with a bouquet of flowers (their favorite kind) and just basically parading around quite proud and disguising the whole thing to "show up as a loving spouse to a crowd"

-When they pretend to not know how to do something mundane like tie a tie, work the coffee machine or something so their spouse can get it every time (bonus if this is after they start falling for each other)

-When they always always stand behind/beside their spouse at a public event and refuse to leave them because some eyes be sticky.

-"You don't have to stand so close you know" "Oh please, you're freezing, I'm simply sharing my warmth, I don't want my wifey/hubby freezing on me now do I?"

-Them getting all possessive when someone shows unwanted attention or gets too close to their spouse who clearly looks uncomfortable.

-"Back off, I don't like sharing what's mine."

-"Listen here. We might not like the arrangement we're in, but listen here, we're married whether you like it or not. You're still my wife/husband, and it will be a cold day in hell before I get to share you with anyone else"

-When they discover something about their spouse that they secretly absolutely adore and they just try to bring that thing up whether it be a physical feature, smiles, laugh, or something, and they try to bring it out without their spouse knowing it, it'll be something subtle too.

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