Multi prompts (Ask 1)

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Had an anonymous user from tumblr ask requested these types of prompts, and i Absolutely love it! 

Hey! Can you make more confession prompts for high schoolers? Or maybe some vloggers prompts? Or maybe some "friends to lovers going to a wedding and start feeling different abt each other" prompts?

They'll be a bit short to accommodate them all

High School confession prompts.

We have these classic Filipino candies or chocolate bars with cheesy pick up lines and cute albeit cringe good luck wishes. 

A would buy these boxes of pick up line chocolates and a box of B's favorite drinks, every lunch or end of the day, B's table would always have a single chocolate bar with a cheesy pick up line, and their favorite cold drink. and A would always be near by, watching B smile like crazy and excitedly bag her gifts before going home. It was a subtle confession, but B knows who it's from.

Cute letters and Sticky notes are a classic and they never die! I'm talking about cute letters slipped in the locker door, cute sticky notes in their table that they can only see, some even slipped inside their bags.

Or A meeting up with B in the library for tutoring sessions or cramming for exams. A anxious in their seat and B's nose buried in their book, then on the next page, individual and distanced letters I.L.I.K.E.Y.O.U. colored the page, it went on and on and on until the end of the last page with a plain sticky note that's written A's confession. They didn't get to study properly, and A didn't hear the end of vandalizing library books.

Vlogger prompts

A and B vlogging about their favorite affordable food spots, being the couple who vlog about being content with their monetary budget but make the most of it. mostly focusing on food reviews and helping boost underrated restaurants and diners

Showing off your S/O, a cliché vlog of how to keep your S/O happy and in a healthy relationship. Their S/O not really the camera type of person so B keeps their identity hidden but is not shy to show their viewers the absolute adoration for their S/O

Make up videos where A is learning how to apply and different types of make ups, featuring their S/O, sister, mother and sometimes father just to demonstrate how different make ups affects skin types and skin tones, where in the reason why A is learning make up is to be more involved with B when getting ready, rather than always rushing B out of the house whenever they need to go somewhere.

Wedding Chaperone prompts (Friends to Lovers)

It was just like any other friendly vacation they went to every year or other year, only this time it was one of their friend's wedding. A and B are already used to packing for each other rather for themselves, having more packing essential for the other than them, imagine their surprise to see they packed each other's belongings, or what they think the other would be suited to wear or comfortable to wear. Their friend's wedding was a blast, the dancing, the trips, the candid pictures that perfectly captured their happiness together and rarely when apart, the longing look. They got back from the trip, conflicted and confused.

A was the maid of honor and B was the groomsmen, they were friends, so it wasn't too awkward when they found out they had to do almost everything together, especially when the to be wedded couple had their own issues just before the wedding, were they really comforting the couple? or were they outing themselves when they tried to comfort their friends?

A was there with their crappy S/O throughout the trip, but A can't help but felt that the trip was tearing them apart, good thing B, their wonderful... and ever so charming and kind friend was there to console A. yup, A wasn't catching feelings


And that concludes our first ever requested set of prompts, I hope you enjoyed these prompts wonderful anonymous user! Thank you so much for the ask!

FeEl free to either ask for more and request anything!

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