Acts of Service

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Acts of service I always think about at night that make my heart go brrrr. Or just things that activate my badump.

>Washing the other's hair for/with  them. 

>After a night out and then get home absolutely wasted. A just collapse to the bed and B is just as tired but rolls up their sleeves and grabs the washcloth/makeup remover and gets to work cleaning up A.

>When B is swamped with work and completely disregards food altogether, so A just silently cooks food and just wordlessly gets a large plate for two and sits beside B and gives them a stink eye if they try to at least protest, and just feeds them a spoonful while B continues on working.

>When A is almost at breaking point because everything is just going so wrong and B just reads their body language so well and they just pull A to the side, sit them down, and just continue whatever task A was doing.

>When B just has the absolute worst day and they are close to just sleeping right where they are standing and when B gets home the house is clean, chores done, and food is cooked and A is there greeting B with a smile and listening ear or just cuddles.

>When B forgets their packed lunch for work and A brings them their food at lunchtime or it just turns out to be a spontaneous lunch date.

>A always keeping track of B's allergies and dislikes just because.

> A giving B a head massage after a hectic day. Just B appreciating and enjoying A's hands running through their hair and head. Or just any type of massage

>Brewing their morning coffee for them. Noted that A doesn't like when B leaves the bed but... Coffee.

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