Publically asking someone out (Ask 22)

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Hello! I love your work and was wondering if you could perhaps, maybe do some: Person A asking person B out in front of person As entire friend group? -Anon

Hi! Thank you so much for your support! I'm glad you enjoy my work, love! Of course, I would love to do your request! Thank you for this lovely ask anon!

Ok! Here we go!

-A was just goofing around with their friends and B suddenly is in their line of sight and A is just googling, one of A's friends calls B over and someone nudges A who is just losing their shit. But! at least A manages to ask B out.

-They were all drunk ok?! And B their bartender is just so cute! One of A's drunk shit of a friend blurts out that A thinks they're hot and would totally go down with a date or a hookup, A sobers up but B just laughs, and gives A a drink on the house with a napkin with their number on it.

-It was A's birthday, and their friend group is celebrating their day and the server is super cute! One of them nudges A and points at the server and heck it, it was A's birthday, they can ask the cute server for a date, right?

-A and B were in a study group together along with A's friends, and A thought they were being slick and subtle when they ask B out in a quiet whisper, but A's friends were secretly listening and exchanging looks and passing bets underneath the table.

-Don't get A wrong, they're nervous as heck, especially being around their friend group while confessing but B finds it absolutely flattering and adorable, who would say no to that face?!

-A just won the game! and A and their friends had a bet, if they won A asks B out, if they lost, the friends ask B out for A, and this is better than a group of people asking someone out for you.

-A can't back out now, especially from the number of hands pushing her forward on her back, A wishes that the ground would just swallow them up but they manage to squeak out "Would you like to go out sometime?" and at least they got a date out of it despite the teasing once B is out of sight.

-B woke up frazzled when rocks were thrown at their window, they look out and sees a flustered A with a guitar and their friends behind them and began serenading B.

-A successful spontaneous date is organized by A's friend group and they kidnap both A and B, A basically asks B out for an actual proper date after the night is over and A's friend group cheers in the background.

-A and their friends were just chilling when B walks by, A rushed over and they began talking in a hushed tone, A's friends being their nosy selves shuffled closer sneakily and tried to act casual and heard A ask B out, both were blushing and it was adorable.

Ok, the last one is a bit different but it's adorable and slightly fits in the ask so why not?

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