Chapter 30: Static thrill

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Tick tock. Continuously. The clock ticked away slowly and quietly, though it still sounded loudly in my ears. White walls, white ceiling, white floor. Everything was nice and blank. Blinding lights centered above me and a single window with black bars to contrast the room. It was too silent. Unbearable.

"Why am I here? I didn't do it!" I asked, most likely for the thousandth time to the guard outside. Tired of all my efforts, he stayed put and didn't utter a sound. The guards had sent me to isolation, a place that's hidden on the top floor of the asylum. It was rumored that I had been the culprit for the murder of Anni. The evidence was that an anonymous patient had seen me enter the bathroom with Anni, a gun hidden behind my back. No one else had gone in after that and so naturally the answer was that I had done the deed. I couldn't do anything about that, and so now I've been locked up. For a week.
I used the week to think every thing through. I thought about what I was going to do once I get back into the actual institution.

Though there's no reason I did so, since Karma, Cleo and Angie are going to slit my throat the second I step out.

The day came by painfully slow. They cuffed up my hands and lead me through a series of corridors. Then I saw the painted walls of the top floor, the same floor Kim Taehyung and I had encountered each other. "Now, I suggest you make a run for the elevator or stairs." The guard warned before uncuffing me and pushing me out into the open corridor. It was silent.


A sudden rush of loud stomping threw itself at me, my legs instantly responding by doing the same. I sped for the elevator, however once it opened a group of girls were standing there, weapons in hand. I halted and searched for the stairs, "found ya," every step I took a feeling of electricity ran through my body, exhilarating thrill. I don't know why, I just witnessed my once best friend die before my eyes and get blamed for it. And now I was about to be murdered, but even so... It was exciting. I was anticipating this moment since the day I got sent in here. At first, I was scared, worried for my body to be torn apart. Even if I were to be brutally tortured, murdered, abused anything, even so, it was electrifying.

I skipped half the steps down the stairs and shoved away anyone in my way. Then the door for my floor was in sight. My feet took off even faster, dashing down the flight of stairs. I crashed my body into the door, stumbled a little, before tracking down my room and bolting for it. Once I got there, I realised something.
Cleo. Lives. With. Me.

"Fuck it!" I slammed the door shut, the mob crashed into it, shouting a bunch of incoherent slurs. I sighed, thankful for the thick metal doors. I turned and started to walk towards my bed, my steps much more lighter and calmer. I stopped. "Hello there, Y/n." A sadistic smile. Cleo was here. She wasn't with that mob. I should've expected this. "Cleo- Cleo honestly... I, you know what if you're going to kill me, please don't do it brutually." At this point, I was tired. My life is already terrible, I might as well not have it drag on like some typical romance children's show. She stared at me for a while, meanwhile I caught my breath, still lightly panting though. "Fine, I won't kill you yet." She finally spoke, "however, you must join us again."

"What? Are you insane?" I was bewildered, Cleo wanted ME to join them?

"Well darling I am here for a reason." She smiled. A genuine smile. What is happening? "Are you being serious? If I join what will you do to me?" I needed to know, if this is a trap I'll be doomed.
"We just miss you, Y/n. I know it wasn't you who killed Anni. It'll be okay, Y/n."  Cleo stood up and held my face within her hands. "So just join us again, okay?" She finalized. That was it. I was just going to join back so easily. "Okay..."

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