Chapter 16: TaTa

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"And you're my TaTa."

You're. My. TaTa.

I blushed a bright red at the words. I quickly covered my face with my hoodie, hoping he didn't notice the sudden tense up I softly pushed his chest, making him gently drop me. I said a small goodbye and swiftly walked out the elevator, since it stopped at floor 4. But. As I was walking towards my room, he grabbed my arm, "why are you leaving me, Tata?" His voiceeee kill meeee! It's so soft and gently sjhshshsh. "What's wrong Tata?" He pulls me against his hard ass chest and rests his chin on my head. Jesus Christ what's wrong with me. "U-Uh." I stammer, god damnit the way he says Tata ahHh! It's just too tempting! "Yah! Tata?" He spins me around and shakes his hand in front of my face, "you alright?" His eyes are just fully of worry ... "I'm fine! TaeTae." He giggled at the nickname, "Oki, Tata."

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