Experiment Phoenix

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Sophie POV

Mr Forkle bashed open the door and trumped in. He scanned his eyes around the house and they landed on sophie's bright brown eyes. he dragged her up to her room and told her,"Sophie i just remembered today you have a mission with your friends to save an elf from the Neverseen. She is a Telepath, Psionipath, Conjurer and Mesmer. she is very special and has darker brown eyes than you and she has black hair and the tip is like Linh's. for this mission i will send Linh, Tam, Biana, Dex, Fitz, Keefe and Maruca to keep you safe."


The people all arrived at Havenfield and they trudged into the house with a squealch as it is raining. Keefe smirked and laughed,"what is so stressing you out i can feel it from across the room!" Sophie replied," KKKKKEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFEEEE i am stressing out becuase there is a mission to save a elf who also got experimented on she is exactly like Linh but she has very gray eyes instead." Linh and Tam stood in shock. Keefe then replied," Holy wait up Foster what type of powers does she have?" Sophie Answered," Psionipath, Telepath, Conjurer, Mesmer  ."

Grady suddenly appeared out of nowhere with Edaline and they said," did someone say conjurer and mesmer i better listen to the conversation." Sophie then whined,"Mum Dad."


Biana will turn invisible and fitz and Tam will be with me to try to track down her thoughts while Dex you will be making a gadget called the walkie talkie. Maruca you will be Tam me and Fitz so you can protect us. Dex you will have to open the lock to the the jail. Keefe you will stay he and hail Elwin the second we get back with linh!!!

I am so sorry for such a short chapter. But i hope you like it so far. the next will hopefully be a bit longer

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