double trouble

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I got a letter from Caitlin that Zoe and Bianca are missing i asked permission from The potters if i can but they asked me to take Albus with me. I brang him to the place and i secretly practised to apparate even though i was not meant to learn it yet. Yeah and i ended up at camp and i stepped in and said," I frances Jackson daughter of the god of sea and king of Olympus and Queen of Olympus hereby give Albus Severus Potter permission to enter camp."(percy is now king of Olympus while the former ones stay but look over them she does not know that she was the goddess of magic and she is also a metamorphis. Caitlin is the goddess of animals.She is Princess of Olympus) I was greeted at camp by my parents and siblings. I went off to the forest and use a telephathy trick that Sophie taught me. I tracked down their thought and found out that they are near the ocean and i ran there just in time to see them wandering around. I called their name and they ran to me how cute. I took them in my arms and got a shield around me, Albus and the twins. Suddenly, men came out of nowhere and attacked us but failed. They commanded," leave the royals alone." i said that they would rather leave me alone before i use my real name. One of them sneered and replied," yeah what is your title? let me guess daughter of Drew and Vil? I bet you are not as important as the twins Percy asked us to find." They sent a man to go report me to MY FATHER!!! Well he came and he hugged me and thanked me. The soldiers looked dumbstruck the the man that made fun of me stuttered out," you know this girl?" Dad replied," can you not see the similarity between us? she is my daughter."I smirked and they just ran away. Dad then moved to Albus and looked at him in the eye. they chatted and it was time for me to go back home knowing my parents will watch me from the sky. My parents requested me to take Bianca with me to the area because they believe that she was also magical. 

I brang her with me to the potter's house and i called a tab to the potter's and i told them of my sibling and i told them that she can be in my room so i conjured those bed's for her as my room was really big and i also conjured things from her old room that was her's and lily was really fond of her. I also gave them a surprise i conjured mallowmelt and butterblasts. And surprisingly Bianca was very silent and obiedent unless you play with her, she has raven locks like mine and grey eyes like my mother's i kept her in my sight always and casted a shield around her bed incase of people coming. But first i asked permission from them to add extra technology that uncle leo gave me. I added it on and he told me that it will connect to my laptop. I also got some of uncle leo's magic as they all blessed me. I made it with a kit i found and i made it scan people from the surrounding incase for specific people and my ring will wake me up. I went to Rose's places and asked if i could do the same thing and if their place is in trouble my ring will wake me up and shine a rose. i gathered up my sword and asked the potters if i can keep it if i am careful with it. they agreed. I plaitted my hair and My ring flashed red rose and it showed fire. I knew what to do i am the daughter of The Sea God and i am also a hydroknetic. i told Mr Potter and they went with me. as we travelled by floo power and i ran outside despite protests from the family. I collected up moisture from the air and swirled the water around as it splashed the ground. I tried to use use my mezmerising powers and i made the bad people say Aguementi (hope i spelled that right) Soon my limbs were hurting i got down all of the fire and i blacked out again. 

I was dreaming of my sibling and i saw Bianca. BIANCA! i woke up and i saw Lily cuddling her and when Bianca saw me she said," sissy is awake." they seemed shocked that she could speak but as a child of Annabeth it was not suprising. They asked me all at once and they tested all her word and vocabulary and she spoke like it was nothing and started to get annoyed. She said she ws just seeing if she could trust them. After that I asked for the cats and i saw them. I changed into one and i felt good. I spoke to them and asked if the hunt was good. They said that they ate lots of rabbits. I finally calmed down. It was a weird day.

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