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I was walking along the street as I read the daily prophet. I was sad that I had to leave Albus and everyone, i wanted to go back to him... i mean the potter's. I missed Lily's hype, Scorpius and rose's bicker Albus' green emerald eyes. Ahhh what am i thinking.

I shrugged the thought away as i walked along an alley way. I heard foots steps behind me as i continued walking. I started walking on my tippy toes incase of an attack. I saw a burst of light. I back flipped and as i was going to the ground it hit me. I fell to the ground as the black covered my sight. I did not know what to do. I felt something along my back and it hurt for sure. was Lucius back, I was sure i killed him. i felt him apparate into somewhere cold and somewhat hollow. It has cold white marble floors and black walls. 

"Mudblood, thinking you can to flips on me, well think again, you hurt me once i will kill you but i will torture you first," snarled Lucius.

I wanted to say something but it was muffled by the rag on my mouth. I probably had cuts along my face i still felt dizzy though. 

"I will use you as a bait for that potter kid who nearly destroyed me last time, ah young love so pitiful," he sneered. I saw him look away for a second. I made myself liquid and i got out from the chair and the place i held captive. i could tell i was losing power by the second. I stood up just to see him point his wand at me.


i sreamed in terror i tried to form my shield but nothing was working. 

I got dropped onto the floor, face twisting in pain. I felt a tear drop as i was being cursed again. 

Albus POV

I lived with Rose and Scorpius at his mansion. Draco moved out of it after being summoned by the wizards for a job Romania. He is staying there until he dies sadly. It was the middle of the night when i heard a pop. I saw a flashing light. I thought it was just Scorpius or Rose coming. Suddenly i saw flashing green light and i knew it was not ordinary. I woke Rose and Scorp up incase. We steathily went to the light source and we all heard someone scream. 

The cruciatus curse was heard again and again. we bursted in and together we yelled different curses. I yelled protego, Rose yelled stupefy and Scorpius yelled expelliarmus. 

we all saw a girl, Lily's age lying on the cold floor. Her jet black hair tangled with blood. He pale face with cuts, She did not open an eye. We brang her to the closest room, my room and not knowing what was going to happen gold flooded out of her hands. We stared at it for a long long time. It was wow. He wounds healed and miraculously instead of twitching, she calmed down. We were curious to see who it was, i wish it was Frances. It looked like her, with her petite form. 

I heard her mutter something, water. i brought her a cup and right that second i tripped. The water splashed all over her and she woke up. I sat up and as coughed and hacked until some blood came out. She looked up and i saw those familiar pair of green and grey.

Frances Pov

I felt the coldness of the water. It was calming. I woke up immediately. felt a pile of rocks at my throat. I coughed and hacked, blood came out. I looked up when i realised i was not on the cold marble floor. I was on a soft bed that smelled familiar and it gave me butterflies. I met the same emerald eyes i actually loved. i tried to despise him but i just could not i tried to like Christian but i could not. 

I saw that he looked older, more taller, muscular, hair a bit more messy but the sparkle in his eyes were gone. I gave him a smack on the head when i realised he was staring. The light in his eyes were back. He hugged me until i nearly died. how much i missed this trouble maker. I looked deep into his eyes as rose and scorpius silently left. I felt my shoulder getting wet. Albus was crying. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his shoulders. I saw a flash of light and the Olympians and Christian appeared. I stared at him. I did not feel the butterflies in my stomach anymore that was when it hit me. Those years ago Christian was not my first kiss. Albus was. 

My head raised shook up and i saw it. I was in the hospital after falling heavily in a quidditch game, i could hear Albus whispering when i felt a soft pair of lips on mine.

I was brought back to reality when i realised Christian was hugging me. I pried him away. The adults left as the two boys glared at each other the tension thick in the air. I coughed trying to get attention. Lily suddenly came in and hugged me. I hugged the life out of her, I invited all of them over to my mansion right now seeing it was dawn. I stood in between Albus and Christian as we apparated. Christian held onto my shoulder as my hand found their ways to Albus'. I smiled at him. We got here in my mansion as they settled in the huge living room. everyone except Christian went around to take a look. Christian turned to me with plead in his eyes. 

"Francie do you love him?"

"Yea i do, i am sorry Christian," 

He raged. He was about to attack me when Albus stepped in. I saw blood flying everywhere. i screamed as i ran up to his. I ordered everyone out. I summoned my magic and i healed him. I felt my self drained of power giving him a share of the power of immortality. But the spell was so strong that it effected everyone.

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